This is a C++ implementation of "Image Smoothing via L0 Gradient Minimization", Li Xu, Cewu Lu, Yi Xu, Jiaya Jia, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011.
The code depends on following libraries.
- OpenCV 2.4.9
- Eigen 3.2
- Boost 1.55.0
You can build the code using CMake.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
usage: L0-gradient-minimization [-h] [-i input_img] [-o out_dir] [-c cofig_name]
-h, --help show help message
-i, --input input image filename
-o, --output output path
-c, --config config filename
Parameters in the algorithm can be controlled through a config file. Config file must include following entries. See config_sample.txt
lambda: smoothing parameter
beta_max: parameter of the termination of the algorithm
kappa: parameter relating to the speed of the algorithm
exact: solver type for linear system. if true LU factorization is used , else Conjugate Gradient method is used