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This repo is my attempt at backing up my terminal life. It contains a utility (dfm) to help with managing and updating my dotfiles.

It also an Ansible bootstrap playbook for getting a fresh install of a 18.04+ based distro setup just how I like it. I used to run Fedora, so there are remmnants of Fedora logic (e.g. yum vs apt module) in the roles, but it is illadvised to run this against a Fedora machine and expect everything to work.

You'll also find some scattered scripts and nuggets here and there that might not make much sense.

Using this repo

First, read all the codes. In my opinion the repo is too opinionated to be forked, but take from it what you what.

Check out dfm if you are curious about it's role. The repo itself was also built from justone's dotfiles skeleton. For more information, check out his wiki.

  • Clone repo: cd $HOME && git clone .dotfiles
  • Pull submodules: cd .dotfiles && git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Bootstrap: ./bootstrap
  • If you want to override any default vars, create vars file named after your $USER in ansible/vars/
  • Run ansible playbook: cd ansible && ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml -i inventory.yml --ask-become-pass and follow any recommended commands at the end (fzf and tmux related)
  • Open up vim and run :PluginInstall
  • Pull submodules for YouCompleteMe vim plugin: cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe && git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Compile YouCompleteMe's component: cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe && ./ . See in YCM directory for more info.
  • Logout and back in.

Common commands

  • ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml -i inventory.yml --ask-become-pass --step --tags "packages"


  • (IN PROGRESS) Break up monolithic Ansible playbook into roles.
  • Abstract some of those roles as separate repos and add to Ansible Galaxy. Then include those "remote" roles in playbook.
  • Consider one "barebones" playbook for setting up all the terminal goodies along with dependencies, and another playbook for rest of my system packages and tweaks. This would be good for those that want to try out my terminal config without getting the rest of the enchiladas.
  • Update all poorly written scripts.
  • Consider dfm's role and if I would just want to use Ansible for similar tasks.
  • Clean up bin directory
  • Bring beyond compare back from the dead
  • Add additional task files to kubernetes for kind, k3s, microk8s, any other handy things to have for k8s (helm? handy docker images to have local?)
  • Add docker images that I should always have latest pulled locally (different OSs for testing packages, various utility tools), maybe make a list in default var file for these
  • Consolidate or delete a bunch of the user var files
  • Add group vars for debian_family and redhat_family groups, possibly where to put the distro specific packages and then rename/clean up the defaults var file (packages + extra_packages -> base_packages, then common distro_packages for specific stuff)
  • Create role for bcc and bpftrace (no longer in snaps)
  • Ensure all tasks are idempotent, first run after successful playbook shouldn't have any changed tasks

Updating submodules

There are two submodules in this repo, .zprezto and .vim/bundle/Vundle.vim. .zprezto is forked, which means that origin does not stay up to day with upstream. We will need to first update the forked repo with upstream.

To update .zprezto follow these steps (pwd should be .zprezto):

  • Run git remote -v and check if there is an upstream remote for the original repo. If not run git remote add upstream
  • Ensure you are on master, and run git fetch upstream followed by git merge upstream/master if you are okay with the changes. git pull also an option but doesn't give you a break to assess what you are about to merge.
    • Sometimes there may be conflicts which need to be resolved. Usually I will keep a separate clone of prezto upstream and run git submodule status. Then I'll go through the submodules and git checkout` the version upstream master is pointing to, add all changes to my merge commit, and commit it. I will have to resolve explicitly if I made changes to submodules themselves, however that is rare, and typically I'm just trying to get stuff up to date.
  • After merging, we need to rerun git submodule update --init --recursive in case new submodules were brought in but not yet initialized.
  • Commit and push the changes to origin to ensure the forked prezto repo is up to date.

To update .zprezto and .vim/bundle/Vundle.vim submodules (pwd should be root of this dotfile repo):

  • Init and update each submodule: git submodule update --init --recursive.
  • Ensure each submodule is on master branch: git submodule foreach git checkout master.
  • Pull in latest changes from each submodule's origin repo: git submodule foreach git pull --rebase origin master.
  • If there were changes, git status should show each submodule directory as modified with with "(new commits)" next to it.
  • Add those directories to the stage then commit them.


Ansible-powered bootstrap for my opiniated workstations






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