Python code used to import, tidy, and analyze MEDPC data in Python.
Import, tidy, & analyze your behavioral time-series data from MEDPC in Python.
Combine behavioral data with manually-defined subject & session metadata.
Combine behavioral data from multiple sessions & subjects into single tidy dataframe (with 1 row per event timestamp).
Break sessions into trials (with trialTypes) and other custom behavioral epochs.
Perform session-based, epoch-based, & trial-based analyses.
Designed to work with medpc2excel Python package.
Designed to be generalizable and modular- Currently focused on DS task analyses but should support many custom .MPC protocols & behavioral paradigms.
- Make sure you have Raw input data described in detail below workflow.
- Run
User defines variables depending on their experimentType (their .MPC protocol/behavioral paradigm) - this supports modularity.
eventVars= Variable names corresponding to recorded event timestamps (Matching variable name labels in .MPC file / .xlsx columns)
trialVars= Variable names of event timestamps which should break session into trials
- (as of 2023-09-20 analyses largely focused on DS Task .MPC protocols so trialIDs are defined by DS and NS onset times)
idVars= Subject & Session metadata variables corresponding to recorded event timestamps
Script imports MPC data, combines with relevant subject and session metadata (recorded in separate excel spreadsheets). Saves output tidy dataframe as .pkl file.
- Resulting dataframe has 1 row per event timestamp with columns for eventType and metadata
- Adds columns for fileIDs (session identifier), trialIDs (within-session), trialTypes (corresponding to trialVars), and other epoch labels (e.g. pre-trial, ITI, and post-trial)
- This approach enables efficient analyses and subsetting of data based on session-, file-, trial-, and epoch-
Some examples of analyses & vizualizations using the seaborn package. Again, mostly focused on DS task use-cases as of 2023-09-20:
Run Performs additional analyses and saves as .pkl
- Trial-based analyses
- Event count & event latency per trial
- Probability of behavioral outcome by trialType
- Trial-based analyses
Run optoAnalysis.m (for optogenetics experimentType)- Performs additional optogenetics-focused analyses and saves as .pkl
- Additional comparisons between trialType (e.g. laser vs no laser) & viral group (e.g. opsin vs control)
- has additional custom functions including:
- Subsetting / aggregation of data according to hierarchical organization (e.g. by virus, subject, fileID, trialType, trialID)
- Automatic figure saving
MedPC data .xslx sheets (generated using medpc2excel Python package)
Manually-managed subject metadata .xlsx sheet (containing relevant metadata for each subject e.g. viral group, experimental condition, sex)
Manually-managed session metadata .xlsx sheet (containing relevant metadata for each session e.g. training stage, other session parameters)