This layer adds support for the Ebib reference manager.
- Manage references
- To quickly open files from a .bib database it is probably even easier to use helm/ivy-bibtex
- To get browser-extension functionality, use of an external reference manager
might be helpful. For this case it should be noted that JabRef stores and
manages its database as a .bib file, while Zotero uses an sqlite database.
Therefore, using Jabref might be prefered.
Additionally, JabRef does not require a running instance to use its browser-extension.
Finally, if you rely on the Zotero web-api, then you might prefer to stay with Zotero and use the Emacs-zotero package.
To use this configuration layer, clone it to your spacemacs-private-directory
either from the command line with
git clone .emacs.d/private/ebib
(where you can substitute the path for your private directory if you do not use the default path),
or from Spacemacs with
M-: (shell-command (format "git clone %s/ebib" spacemacs-private-directory))
Subsequently add ebib
to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need to
add ebib
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this
Index buffer
Key Binding | Description |
J/K | scroll page down/up |
SPC m j | jump to entry (searches only author and title fields) |
SPC u SPC m j | jump to entry (only) in current database |
/ | ebib-search (searches in all fields) |
n | ebib-search-next |
e | switch to entry buffer |
SPC m k | delete current entry |
SPC m b | fetch current entry bibtex from web |
q | quit ebib |
Entry buffer
q | quit entry buffer |
Biblio selection buffer
e | import entry to current database |