ROADMAP: Checkout the board with the progress done for the template here.
MindSync is an opinionated template based in Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) and Compose Multiplatform. While most templates only solves the basic functionality, we are aiming to solve most of the common problems when creating applications from initial status to production.
Comes with this stack built-in:
- Shared UI and Logic for all platforms
- Kotlin
- Compose Multiplatform
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin Serialization
- Kotlin Datetime
- Voyager for Navigation and View Models
- Koin as Dependency Injection
- Detekt for static code analysis
- Ktlint linter
- Ktor for Client
- Multiplatform-settings for storage
- Kamel for Images
- Kermit for logging
- Version Catalogs
- Ktor for Server (PostgresSQL+Tomcat)
- Swagger Codegen for OpenAPI
- Login/Sign Up
- Basic listing
- Basic insertion form
- Basic Detail
- Basic Debug Mode
- Basic Profile
- Basic CI
- Basic Composable Components
- Dark mode ready
- Navigation
- Accessibility (and color accessible themes)
- Tracking system
- Internationalization (FIGS)
TODO: Add download links
Go to the Documentation page for all the information. (WIP)
For bugs, questions and discussions please use the Github Issues.