This app was developed for a group of people that want to order food regularly that is not available in common food shops. So the shopping lists of the members are collected once a month and then big orders at different food producers are made. This app lets users create their shopping lists and creates order lists for the food producers automatically.
- This is the front-end part of a RESTful application to organise ordering food for a group of people. The back-end part of this application can be found here.
- This is a node app built with quasar. Read below how to install a Quasar app using yarn.
- The only variable that must be changed in order to run on your server is baseURL in src/boot/axios.js. Define the URL to the app here.
f926d9c (test3)
A Quasar Project
# or
npm install
quasar dev
yarn lint
# or
npm run lint
yarn format
# or
npm run format
quasar build
See Configuring quasar.config.js. <<<<<<< HEAD
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