The Refit library has been removed because it produces a client implementation which is not Aot compatible and won't be for the forseeable future.
Refit has been replaced by a custom Source Generator which creates a client implementation at compile time.
The public Api of the IDiscogsApiClient has not been changed and updating will not break existing code.
Json serialization has been replaced with a source generated DiscogsJsonSerializerContext.
The Refit ExceptionFactory implementation has been moved into a ErrorHandlingDelegatingHandler middleware.
Added Demo project for an Aot publishable console application using the DiscogsApiClient.
The authentication flow for OAuth has been changed.
The single call to AuthenticateWithOAuth using the GetVerifierCallback has been removed.
It's been replaced with the two calls StartOAuthAuthentication and CompleteOAuthAuthentication.
With this change the OAuth authentication can be handled more linearly instead of with a callback function.
The HttpClient used by the OAuthAuthenticationProvider now also uses the ErrorHandlingDelegatingHandler middleware.
You can’t perform that action at this time.