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Basic usage

import WeekView from 'react-native-week-view';

const myEvents = [
    id: 1,
    description: 'Event',
    startDate: new Date(2021, 3, 15, 12, 0),
    endDate: new Date(2021, 3, 15, 12, 30),
    color: 'blue',
    // ... more properties if needed,
  // More events...

const MyComponent = () => (
    selectedDate={new Date(2021, 3, 15)}

Full API


  • events (Array) - Events to display, in Event Object format (see sub-section below)
  • onEventPress (Function) - Callback when event item is pressed, receives the event-object: (event) => {}.
  • onEventLongPress (Function) - Callback when event item is long pressed, same signature as onEventPress.
  • numberOfDays (Number) - Set number of days to show in view, can be 1, 3, 5, 7.
  • weekStartsOn (Number) - Day to start the week (0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, and so on). Defaults to 1. Only useful when numberOfDays === 7 or fixedHorizontally is true.
  • formatDateHeader (String) - Format for dates of header, default is MMM D
  • selectedDate (Date) - Intial date to show week/days in the view. Note: changing this prop will not have any effect in the displayed date; to actually change the date being displayed, use the goToDate() method, see below.
  • onSwipeNext (Function) - Callback when calendar is swiped to next week/days
  • onSwipePrev (Function) - Callback when calendar is swiped to previous week/days
  • locale (String) - locale for the header, there's a addLocale function to add cusomized locale. Default is en.
  • showTitle (Boolean) - show/hide the title (the selected month and year). Default is true.
  • headerStyle (Object) - custom styles for header container. Example: { backgroundColor: '#4286f4', color: '#fff', borderColor: '#fff' }
  • headerTextStyle (Object) - custom styles for text inside header. Includes day names and title (month)
  • hourTextStyle (Object) - custom styles for text displaying hours in the left.
  • eventContainerStyle (Object) - custom styles for the event container. Notice the background color and positioning (absolute) are already set.
  • hoursInDisplay (Number) - Amount of hours to display in the screen. Default is 6.
  • timeStep (Number) - Number of minutes to use as step in the time labels shown in the left. Default is 60 (1 hour).
  • formatTimeLabel (String) - Formatter for the time labels shown in the left. Defaults to "H:mm" (e.g. 16:00, 16:30, etc). To use AM/PM formatting, set to "h:mm A" (e.g. 4:00 PM, 4:30 PM, etc), or "h:mm a" for lowercase. See docs on momentjs for all available formatters.
  • startHour (Number) - Hour to scroll to on start. Default is 8 (8 am).
  • onGridClick (Function) - Callback when the grid view is clicked, signature: (pressEvent, startHour, date) => {}.
    • pressEvent (Object) - object passed by the TouchableWithoutFeedback.onPress() method (and not an event object as defined below)
    • startHour (Number) - hour clicked (as integer)
    • date (Date) - date object indicating day clicked (the hour is not relevant)
  • onGridLongPress (Function) - Callback when the grid view is long-pressed. Same signature as onGridClick
  • EventComponent (React.Component) - Custom component rendered inside an event. By default, is a Text with the event.description. See sub-section below for details on the component.
  • TodayHeaderComponent (React.Component) - Custom component to highlight today in the header (by default, today looks the same than every day). See details in sub-section below
  • showNowLine (Boolean) - If true, displays a line indicating the time right now. Defaults to false.
  • nowLineColor (String) - Color used for the now-line. Defaults to a red #e53935.
  • rightToLeft (Boolean) - If true, render older days to the right and more recent days to the left.
  • fixedHorizontally (Boolean) - If true, the component can be used to display a single fixed week. See example in sub-section below.
  • isRefreshing (Boolean) - If true, the component will show the <RefreshComponent /> in the middle of the grid.
  • RefreshComponent (React.Component) - Component used when isRefreshing is true. Receives a style prop that must be passed down (sets the component position), for example: MyRefreshControl = ({ style }) => <Text style={style}>loading...</Text>. Defaults to an <ActivityIndicator /> with default parameters (notice the ActivityIndicator default color in some devices may be white).
  • prependMostRecent (Boolean) - If true, the horizontal prepending is done in the most recent dates. See issue #39 for more details. Default is false.

Event Object

  id: 1,
  description: 'Event',
  startDate: new Date(2021, 3, 15, 12, 0),
  endDate: new Date(2021, 3, 15, 12, 30),
  color: 'blue',
  // ... more properties if needed,


To use the component methods save a reference to it:

  // ... other props
  ref={(ref) => { this.weekViewRef = ref; }}
  • goToDate(date, animated = true): the component navigates to a custom date. Note: if the target date has not been rendered before, there may be a delay on the animation. See this issue for details.
  • goToNextPage(animated = true): the component navigates to the next page (to the future). Note: if prependMostRecent is true, and the component is near the last page rendered, there may be a delay on the animation.
  • goToPrevPage(animated = true): the component navigates to the previous page (to the past). Note: if prependMostRecent is false (the default), and the component is near the first page rendered, there may be a delay on the animation.

Custom EventComponent

The custom component will be rendered inside a TouchableOpacity, which has the background color set to event.color, and is placed with absolute position in the grid. The component receives two props:

  • event (Event) - Event object as described before.
  • position: (Object) - object containing top, left, height and width values in pixels.

For example, to display an icon inside each event, such as a react-native-elements Icon:

const MyEventComponent = ({ event, position }) => (

  // ... other props

Custom TodayComponent

Use this prop to highlight today in the header, by rendering it differently from the other days. The component TodayHeaderComponent receives these props:

  • date (moment Date) - moment date object containing today's date.
  • formattedDate (String) - day formatted according to formatDateHeader, e.g. "Mon 3".
  • textStyle (Object) - text style used for every day.

For example, to highlight today with a bold font:

const MyTodayComponent = ({ formattedDate, textStyle }) => (
  <Text style={[textStyle, { fontWeight: 'bold' }]}>{formattedDate}</Text>

  // ... other props

Locales customization

There's a addLocale function to add customized locale for the component. The component depends on momentjs, you can refer to for more information.


export WeekView, { addLocale } from 'react-native-week-view';
// add customized localed before using locale prop.
addLocale('fr', {
  months: 'janvier_février_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_août_septembre_octobre_novembre_décembre'.split('_'),
  monthsShort: 'janv._févr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._août_sept._oct._nov._déc.'.split('_'),
  weekdays: 'dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi'.split('_'),
  weekdaysShort: 'dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.'.split('_'),

Other example usages

Fixed week

The WeekView component can be used to display a fixed week (as a timetable):

  • Use the prop fixedHorizontally={true}. This prop should not be changed after the first render

  • To set startDate and endDate in each event, you should use the function provided: createFixedWeekDate(day, hour, minutes=0, seconds=0), where:

    • day: (Number|String) - specify day of the week as number (1 is monday, 2 is tuesday, etc) or as string (will be parsed with the current locale, e.g. "Monday", "Tuesday", etc. for english).
    • hour: (Number) - specify hour of the day as number (from 0 to 23)
    • minutes: (Number) - specify minutes of the day as number (from 0 to 59), defaults to 0
    • seconds: (Number) - specify seconds of the day as number (from 0 to 59), defaults to 0

    If you choose to not use createFixedWeekDate(), make sure that startDate and endDate are Date objects within this week, otherwise the events will not be displayed correctly in the timetable.

  • If the numberOfDays is other than 7, will display the first days of the week. E.g. if numberOfDays === 5, will display from monday to friday.

import WeekView, { createFixedWeekDate } from 'react-native-week-view';

const myEvents = [
    id: 1,
    description: 'Event 1',
    startDate: createFixedWeekDate('Monday', 12), // Day may be passed as string
    endDate: createFixedWeekDate(1, 14), // Or as number, 1 = monday
    color: 'blue',
    id: 2,
    description: 'Event 2',
    startDate: createFixedWeekDate('wed', 16),
    endDate: createFixedWeekDate(3, 16, 30),
    color: 'red',

const MyComponent = () => (
    // Recommended props:
    showTitle={false} // if true, shows this month and year
    formatDateHeader="ddd" // display short name days, e.g. Mon, Tue, etc
    // ... other props


  • allow to swipe between weeks or days.
  • header should be swipeable with columns.
  • allow to click on grid view.
  • allow to drag drop events to specific time and date.


Week View Component for react-native







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