A JavaFX application for appointment scheduling.
- Java 11
- JavaFX 11
- Maven
The entryway into the program is app.App.java, which presents a main() function to launch the JavaFX app. This is specified in the Maven configuration in pom.xml.
The application use the MVC pattern for the domain layers and the Repository pattern for the data layers, with an institial service layer that maps data flows.
- implements the domain entitiesresources/views/
- contains the JavaFX user interface filescontroller/
- responsible for interactions between UI views and domain objects
- bidirectional translation of Models (domain objects) to DTOs for transfer to Data layer
- contains DTOs (Data Transfer Object) for transfering data between Presentation and Data layersdal/
- implements DAOs (Data Access Object) to abstract the process of persisting data to an arbitrary database