The Bamboo pack provides the ability to label and delete label from a build
To build and run from the command line:
- Clone this repo
- Run
dep ensure
(must have dep installed ) - Run
go test ./...
- Run
go build
- Run
FLYTE_API_URL=http://localhost:8080/ BAMBOO_HOST=http://localhost:8085 BAMBOO_USER=user1 BAMBOO_PASS=pass ./flyte-bamboo
- Fill in this command with the relevant API url, bamboo host, bamboo user and bamboo password environment variables
To build and run from docker
- Run
docker build -t flyte-bamboo .
- Run
docker run -e FLYTE_API_URL=http://localhost:8080/ -e BAMBOO_HOST=http://localhost:8085 -e BAMBOO_USER=user -e BAMBOO_PASSWORD=password flyte-bamboo
- All of these environment variables need to be set