A responsive website that will display images, descriptions and links to each of the portfolio projects that I completed throughout the course of my Nano-degree program.
To view the website, download a copy of the project to your local machine and open the file index.html with your browser. Alternatively, you can load it online from this GitHub Pages project repository.
- Bootstrap - The web framework used
- Grunt - The tasks automation tool used
- Word Cloud Generator - Jason Davies - The tool for my word cloud images
- SVG-edit - A SVG editor for my svg images
- Daniele Erbì - daniel-234
The original main image is in 'images_src folder'. Being only 9KB, it could have been easily used in production. I preferred to make practice using 'grunt' to automate the process of resizing that image to adapt its size to different viewports.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- All the wonderful people at Udacity who inspired me for this work - Udacity
- Among all the developers who write useful answers on the web to help others, I wanted to thank author Carol Skelly @blog.codeply for pointing me to the right direction on how to use the Bootstrap grid layout for this design - How the Bootstrap grid really works
- CSS-Tricks - Simple Styles for horizontal rules
- [I tried to acknowledge all the people that inspired me; if I forgot to attribute code to somebody, please let me know and I will add them to the above list.]