You don't find the way to agree with your friends for your events or to go out. We have the solution, in Akord you can create an event to go anywhere, you only need sign in and create an event for you and your friends, even your family. Choosing the date for a special ocassion is now easier with the help of Akord.
- A usear can Sing up and Log in the app to create a new event.
- A user can create an Event!
- A user can't select past dates when creating an event
validate :votable_date_before_today
def votable_dates { |ds| ::Date.parse(ds) }
def votable_date_before_today
errors.add(:votable_dates_strings, "Cannot select past dates") if any_past_dates?
def any_past_dates?
votable_dates.any? { |date| date < ::Date.current }
- A user can share the event
<% if current_user&.owns?(@event) %>
<div data-controller="clipboard" data-clipboard-feedback-text-value="Copied!">
<input value="<%= short_join_event_url(@event.funid) %>" data-clipboard-target="input" type="text" readonly>
<button class="btn btn-primary" data-action="click->clipboard#copy">Share with your compas</button>
import { Controller } from "stimulus";
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["input"];
static values = {
feedbackText: String
copy(event) {;
event.currentTarget.disabled = true;
event.currentTarget.innerText = this.feedbackTextValue;
- Attendees can join and VOTE for an event!
Attendees can vote for different dates for the event in an interactive way (Using Hammer.js for swiping animations)
Attendess can see a the "Live Voting" for the selected DATES!
- The event creator can select a winning date based on results, so that everyone can see it on their phones and even add it to their preffered calendar!
3.0.3p157 (2021-11-24 revision 3fb7d2cadc) [x86_64-linux]
Active Record (Example:
rails g model
Heroku Deploymentheroku/7.59.2 linux-x64 node-v12.21.0
(in order to add:uuid
or Universally unique identifier to an attendee, so that a user logged in can also vote)
hashid rails
Instead the event model ID using sequential numbers like 1, 2, 3, it will instead have unique short hashes like "yLA6m0oM"
gem 'devise'
gem "faker"
gem "groupdate"
gem "hashid-rails", "~> 1.0"
git clone
cd akord
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed:replant
bundle install
yarn install
rails server
Open you browser and visit localhost:3000