Cleans XML files (in place), by removing all elements (and their children), that have a specific attribute with a value matching the given pattern.
Formatting of the files is kept/unchanged.
mvn clean install
Usage: java -jar xmlcleaner-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar [options] files/directories
--attribute, -a
XML attribute name.
Default: rev
--attribute-only, -ao
Remove only matched attribute (instead of complete node/element).
Default: false
Display usage.
--matcher, -m
Attribute value matcher (regex).
Default: 1[45]\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?d.*
- Might remove last
without removing parent<ul>
. Results in invalid XML. - Might remove child objects, where the parent element is not valid (w.r.t XML schema) without this child. This is the generalization of #1.