Logger is intended to be fairly basic, self-contained javascript object that allows other programs/objects to print output onto it. By being self-contained, Logger does not have to rely on any other javascript libraries for its functionality.
See example.html
for examples.
You can instantiate the logger and
start logging before document.body
is available.
Set up script tags:
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/pretty_print.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/Logger.js" ></script>
var Logger =
This creates a frame for displaying a log and a log called 'some log'.
When you create a frame, it will use position:fixed
sit at right:0px;top:0px
, ie the top right corner.
Configure appearance of the frame: frame = new Logger('some log', {width:'400px',height:'92%',minimize:true,wrap:true} ); Logging is as simple as: logger.log('test'); Logger can take multiple arguments: logger.log('this is ','a test'); // => 'this is a test'
Frame can store multiple log instances and will display available log instances as entries in one of its toolbars.
When you instantiate using new Logger(name)
a default instance
of a Log
object is created with name
and stored in frame
is a javascript object with keys set to the names
of the logs and values to the instances of the appropriate Log
Hence frame.logs[name].log(message)
is one way to log.
You can add a log like this var logger2 = frame.add(name);
You can get the frame to change the log it is displaying by doing
You can also click on name
as displayed in the frame
's toolbar.
Put your variables in an array and logger will pretty print them: var a = [1,2,3]; var b = {a:1,b:2,c:'foo'}; logger.log('a is ',[a],' and b is ',[b]); logger.log('a,b are ',[a,b]);
In extended pretty printing, newlines and indenting will be respected.
This can make reading large objects easier.
Extended pretty printing can be toggled by clicking on the log entry.
The pretty printing function (pp
) in the pretty_print
module needs
to have pp.extended
set to true
which it is by default.
logger.alert('error!'); // white text on red
logger.red('fail!'); // red text on pink
logger.green('passed!'); // green text on green
You can create your own highlight logging functions: logger.makeLogFunction( 'foo', {backgroundColor:'blue',color:'white',fontWeight:'bold'});
will create an hr tag as an entry.
One way to selectively log execution is to use labels.
Just add a property to the instance of logger
nothing that clashes with the core logger
functions). Simple
labels like A
, B
etc will do:
logger.A = true;
logger.A = false;
In doSomethingComplicated
and functions you can add lines like:
logger.A && logger.log('log something');
This can be useful when are logging execution on something that you are testing. You may only want to analyze a particular assertion and the resulting execution of a piece of code but your tests and surrounding assertions may execute the same bit of code many many times.
Logger uses the packaging and namespacing standard specified in README.modules.html. The latest version can be found at: http://js.web17.com.au/specs/packaging-and-namespacing/index.xhtml .
dlb.id.au (AT) gmail.com
-- Daniel Bush
Fri Oct 1 12:07:26 EST 2010