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This-Is-My Dataset

As one of contributions in Meta-Personalizing Vision-Language Models To Find Named Instances in Video (CVPR 2023)

Chun-Hsiao Yeh, Bryan Russell, Josef Sivic, Fabian Caba Heilbron, Simon Jenni
UC Berkeley, CIIRC CTU, Adobe Research
In CVPR 2023


Examples from This-Is-My: Meta-Personalization D (top) vs Test-time personalization P (bottom-left) vs Query-time Q (bottom-right) datasets. In the Query-time dataset (bottom-right), we design a challenging video instance retrieval task. For example, the named instance (i.e., Alex's piano) is in the background and is barely visible, and for "Zak's dog Coffee", the background scenes in the query-time dataset (bottom-right) are completely different from the test-time personalization dataset (bottom-left) depicting the same named instance.

Dataset Overview

In This-Is-My dataset, we provide video segments and original videos for both the training and evaluation sets, along with annotated segments and captions for contextualized retrieval evaluation. The dataset structure is as follows:

    ├── train_segment/
    │   └── <SEGMENT_ID>.mp4, ...
    ├── eval_segment/
    │   └── <SEGMENT_ID>.mp4, ...
    ├── train_video/
    │   └── <{VIDEO_ID}_{VIDEO_NAME}>.mp4, ...
    ├── eval_video/
    │   └── <{VIDEO_ID}_{VIDEO_NAME}>.mp4, ...
    └── this-is-my-dataset/
        ├── <SEGMENT>.csv
        ├── <TEST-SET>.json
        └── <EVAL-CAPTIONS>.csv

Get Started

To get started, we recommend creating a conda environment and installing the required packages using the following commands:

conda create --name this-is-my python=3.7
conda activate this-is-my
conda install pytorch==1.7.0 torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch

# packages for downloading video segments
pip install moviepy
pip install pandas

How to Download the This-Is-My Dataset?

We have provided a simple script to download the dataset from scratch. Run the following command to download the video segments and original videos:

python --MODE 'train'

This script will create two folders: train_segment, which contains the video segments of named instances, and train_video, which contains the original videos.

Note that you can replace 'train' with 'eval' to download video segments for evaluation as well.

Retrieving This-Is-My Metadata


We can retrieve the metadata of dataset by load_thisismy(ANNO_FILE,SEGMENT_FILE). The returned variables contain the following information:

  • train_x, eval_x: Arrays that include segment IDs for the train and evaluation data splits (e.g., ead408e4-e1b6-4256-9adf-043906a41170)

  • train_y, eval_y: Arrays that include token IDs (e.g., 0) for each segment. The token IDs can be mapped to instances using the token2item dictionary (e.g., {0: "Casey's friend marlan"})

  • train_class, eval_class: array that includes category IDs (e.g., 7) for each segment. The category IDs could be mapped to category name by id2classname dictionary (e.g., {7: 'man', 8: 'piano'})

  • token2class: A dictionary that provides a hierarchical mapping between token IDs and category IDs. (e.g., {0: 7, 1: 7, 2: 10, 3: 0})

We can also retrieve annotated data of eval captions by load_this_is_my_captions(CAPTIONS_FILE), some returned variables are:

  • captions: Annotated captions that describe the concept in the segment. (e.g., * is standing at the intersection)

  • class_names: The class of the named instance (e.g., man)

How to Get Support?

If you have any general questions or need support, please feel free to contact: Chun-Hsiao Yeh, Simon Jenni, and Fabian Caba. Also, we encourage you to open an issue in the GitHub repository. By doing so, you not only receive support but also contribute to the collective knowledge base for others who may have similar inquiries.


If you find the This-Is-My dataset valuable and utilize it in your work, we kindly request that you consider giving our GitHub repository a ⭐ and citing our paper.

  title={Meta-Personalizing Vision-Language Models To Find Named Instances in Video},
  author={Yeh, Chun-Hsiao and Russell, Bryan and Sivic, Josef and Heilbron, Fabian Caba and Jenni, Simon},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},