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Releases: danieldieeins/Zyneon-Application


05 Nov 07:44
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Speed up app startup

These binaries are auto-updaters. The application will always be up to date.
The .jar (and .deb) file(s) should work for all x86, x86_64, ARM, ARM64, aarch and aarch64 systems but Java 21 is required.

Warning for Windows Installer: If Windows Defender thinks its a virus: its not. This is a false positive.
If you not trust me/this file, just use the .jar file - but you need to have Java 21 installed.

Full Changelog: v2024.11...v2024.11.1


04 Nov 19:36
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Fix app on linux systems

These binaries are auto-updaters. The application will always be up to date.
The .jar (and .deb) file(s) should work for all x86, x86_64, ARM, ARM64, aarch and aarch64 systems but Java 21 is required.

Warning for Windows Installer: If Windows Defender thinks its a virus: its not. This is a false positive.
If you not trust me/this file, just use the .jar file - but you need to have Java 21 installed.

Full Changelog: v2024.8...v2024.11


11 Aug 11:19
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These binaries are auto-updaters. The application will always be up to date.
The .jar (and .deb) file(s) should work for all x86, x86_64, ARM, ARM64, aarch and aarch64 systems but Java 21 is required.

Warning for Windows Installer: If Windows Defender thinks its a virus: its not. This is a false positive.
If you not trust me/this file, just use the .jar file - but you need to have Java 21 installed.

Full Changelog: v2024.5...v2024.8


05 Jun 14:32
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These binaries are auto-updaters. The application will always be up to date.
The .jar (and .deb) file(s) should work for all x86, x86_64, ARM, ARM64, aarch and aarch64 systems but Java 21 is required.

Warning for Windows Installer: If Windows Defender thinks its a virus: its not. This is a false positive.
If you not trust me/this file, just use the .jar file - but you need to have Java 21 installed.

Full Changelog: v2024.4.7...v2024.5

2024.4.7 (Last april update)

29 Apr 00:43
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These binaries are auto-updaters. The application will always be up to date.
The .jar (and .deb) file(s) should work for all x86, x86_64, ARM, ARM64, aarch and aarch64 systems but Java 21 is required.

Warning for Windows Installer: If Windows Defender thinks its a virus: its not. This is a false positive.
If you not trust me/this file, just use the .jar file - but you need to have Java 21 installed.

Full Changelog: v2024.4.5...v2024.4.7


20 Apr 17:28
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Full Changelog: v2024.3.1...v2024.4.5

These binaries are auto-updaters. The application will always be up to date.
The .jar (and .deb) file(s) should work for all x86, x86_64, ARM, ARM64, aarch and aarch64 systems but Java 21 is required.

Warning for Windows Installer: If Windows Defender thinks its a virus: its not. This is a false positive.
If you not trust me/this file, just use the .jar file - but you need to have Java 21 installed.


22 Mar 10:16
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New icon and some bugfixes

These binaries are auto-updaters. The application will always be up to date.
The .jar (and .deb) file(s) should work for all x86, x86_64, ARM, ARM64, aarch and aarch64 systems but Java 21 is required.

Warning for Windows Installer: If Windows Defender thinks its a virus: its not. This is a false positive.
If you not trust me/this file, just use the .jar file - but you need to have Java 21 installed.

Full Changelog: v2024.2.5...v2024.3.1


23 Feb 15:07
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This release updates the deb file to add more jdk-dependency compatiblity

These binaries are auto-updaters. The application will always be up to date.
The .jar (and .deb) file(s) should work for all x86, x86_64, ARM, ARM64, aarch and aarch64 systems but Java 21 is required.

Warning for Windows Installer: If Windows Defender thinks its a virus: its not. This is a false positive.
If you not trust me/this file, just use the .jar file - but you need to have Java 21 installed.

Full Changelog: v2024.2.5...v2024.2.5


19 Feb 01:17
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These binaries are auto-updaters. The application will always be up to date.
The .jar (and .deb) file(s) should work for all x86, x86_64, ARM, ARM64, aarch and aarch64 systems but Java 21 is required.

Warning for Windows Installer: If Windows Defender thinks its a virus: its not. This is a false positive.
If you not trust me/this file, just use the .jar file - but you need to have Java 21 installed.

Full Changelog: v2024.2-beta.8...v2024.2

2024.2-beta.8 (Auto updates to latest version)