... is a way of writing immutable classes in TypeScript, with a fairly minimal syntax for declaring properties (you only have to state the property name and type once), and convenient/fast clone-with-update, all with static type checking and support for inheritance.
I'm going to pretend the name stands for:
Declarative Object-Oriented Persistence
Persistence in the sense of immutable data structures, nothing to do with I/O serialization.
Declarative in that decorators are used to drive metaprogramming that takes care of all the behind-the-scenes implementation stuff for you.
But really it's a Futurama reference.
npm install doop
The package includes TypeScript declarations so you don't need to install them separately.
How to declare a class with three properties:
import { doop } from "../doop";
class Animal {
get hasTail() { return doop<boolean, this>() }
get legs() { return doop<number, this>(); }
get food() { return doop<string, this>(); }
constructor() {
describe() {
const tail = this.hasTail() ? "a" : "no";
return `Has ${this.legs()} legs, ${tail} tail and likes to eat ${this.food()}.`;
And here's how you'd use it:
const a = new Animal();
expect(a.legs()).toEqual(2); // jasmine spec-style assertion
// create a modified clone
const b = a.legs(4);
// original object is unaffected
That is, you call the property with no arguments to get the value, and you call it with one argument to create a new, separate instance of the class with that property's value modified but all other doop
properties having the same value as the original instance. Cloning is super-fast.
(Avoid defining any ordinary instance properties on the same class; they will not be copied and will have the value undefined
on a new cloned instance.)
See the background info.