is used both for first stage access control and SSO Dashboard visibility settings.
See: for a complete reference.
This is a list of available fields.
- application:
### RP Identification settings
# This is just a name for the RP, easier for humans when reading this file
name: "Example RP Name"
# This is the access provider's client_id for this RP
client_id: "xzc2030239xzxc"
# This is the access provider name (OP: Open Id Connect Provider)
op: auth0
### SSO Dashboard display settings
# This is the canonical URL for the RP / front page
url: ""
# A custom logo to be displayed for this RP on the SSO Dashboard
logo: "example.png"
# If true, will be displayed on the SSO Dashboard
display: true
# An URL that people can bookmark on the SSO Dashboard to login directly to that RP (i.e. not the RP frontpage)
vanity_url: ['/an-easy-to-remember-url']
### Security settings
# The list of users and groups allowed to access this RP. Both empty means allow everyone, one empty means the
# other field is used
# This is used by the SSO Dashboard for display purposes and for first stage access control by the Access Provider
authorized_users: []
authorized_groups: []
# How many seconds before a user who has logged into this RP is denied access. The timer reset for each login,
# thus access is only denied if you haven't logged in at all for this period of time. Is it enforced by the Access
# Provider
expire_access_when_unused_after: 7776000
## Mappings to standard levels ( AAL
## values below are available at the IAM well-known endpoint
## (
# AAI is Authenticator Assurance Indicator: A Standard level which indicates the amount confidence in the
# authentication mechanism used is required to access this RP. It is enforced by the Access Provider.
# E.g. "MEDIUM may mean 2FA required"
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Configuration files for the Mozilla SSO-Dashboard.