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The DanFlotBundle embed in Symfony 2 the Flot jQuery libraries. You can find here Flot


Installation is a quick 4 step process:

  1. Download DanFlotBundle
  2. Configure the Autoloader
  3. Enable the Bundle
  4. Include the js in layout.html.twig
  5. Use it in a controller: timeline for example


This bundle is under the MIT license.

Step 1: Download DanFlotBundle

the DanFlotBundle files should be downloaded to the vendor/bundles/Dan/FlotBundle directory.

This can be done in several ways, depending on your preference. The first method is the standard Symfony2 method.

Using the vendors script

Add the following lines in your deps file:



Now, run the vendors script to download the bundle:

$ php bin/vendors install
$ php bin/vendors update

Using submodules

If you prefer instead to use git submodules, then run the following:

$ git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Dan/FlotBundle
$ git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Dan/FlotBundle/Resources/public/js/flot
$ git submodule update --init

Step 2: Configure the Autoloader

Add the Dan namespace to your autoloader:

// app/autoload.php

    // ...
    'Dan' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',

Step 3: Enable the bundle

Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Dan\FlotBundle\DanFlotBundle(),

Step 4: Include the js in layout.html.twig

{% extends '::base.html.twig' %}

{% block title %}My Title{% endblock %}

{% block head_style %}
{% endblock%}

{% block body %}
{% endblock %}

{% block foot_script %}
    {% javascripts

            // ...


        <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
    {% endjavascripts %}
{% endblock foot_script %}

Step 5: Use it in a controller: timeline for example

{% extends '::layout.html.twig' %}

{% block content %}
    <div class="span12">
        <div id="overview" style="margin-left:50px;margin-top:20px;width:600px;height:50px;"></div>
        <div id="placeholder" style="width:800px;height:300px;"></div>
{% endblock %}

{% block foot_script %}
    {{ parent () }}
    <script id="source">
        $(function () {
            var d = [[1196463600000, 0], [1196550000000, 0], [1196636400000, 0], [1196722800000, 77], [1196809200000, 3636], [1196895600000, 3575], [1196982000000, 2736], [1197068400000, 1086], [1197154800000, 676], [1197241200000, 1205], [1197327600000, 906], [1197414000000, 710], [1197500400000, 639], [1197586800000, 540], [1197673200000, 435], [1197759600000, 301], [1197846000000, 575], [1197932400000, 481], [1198018800000, 591], [1198105200000, 608], [1198191600000, 459], [1198278000000, 234], [1198364400000, 1352], [1198450800000, 686], [1198537200000, 279], [1198623600000, 449], [1198710000000, 468], [1198796400000, 392], [1198882800000, 282], [1198969200000, 208], [1199055600000, 229], [1199142000000, 177], [1199228400000, 374], [1199314800000, 436], [1199401200000, 404], [1199487600000, 253], [1199574000000, 218], [1199660400000, 476], [1199746800000, 462], [1199833200000, 448], [1199919600000, 442], [1200006000000, 403], [1200092400000, 204], [1200178800000, 194], [1200265200000, 327], [1200351600000, 374], [1200438000000, 507], [1200524400000, 546], [1200610800000, 482], [1200697200000, 283], [1200783600000, 221], [1200870000000, 483], [1200956400000, 523], [1201042800000, 528], [1201129200000, 483], [1201215600000, 452], [1201302000000, 270], [1201388400000, 222], [1201474800000, 439], [1201561200000, 559], [1201647600000, 521], [1201734000000, 477], [1201820400000, 442], [1201906800000, 252], [1201993200000, 236], [1202079600000, 525], [1202166000000, 477], [1202252400000, 386], [1202338800000, 409], [1202425200000, 408], [1202511600000, 237], [1202598000000, 193], [1202684400000, 357], [1202770800000, 414], [1202857200000, 393], [1202943600000, 353], [1203030000000, 364], [1203116400000, 215], [1203202800000, 214], [1203289200000, 356], [1203375600000, 399], [1203462000000, 334], [1203548400000, 348], [1203634800000, 243], [1203721200000, 126], [1203807600000, 157], [1203894000000, 288]];

            // first correct the timestamps - they are recorded as the daily
            // midnights in UTC+0100, but Flot always displays dates in UTC
            // so we have to add one hour to hit the midnights in the plot
            for (var i = 0; i < d.length; ++i)
            d[i][0] += 60 * 60 * 1000;

            // helper for returning the weekends in a period
            function weekendAreas(axes) {
                var markings = [];
                var d = new Date(axes.xaxis.min);
                // go to the first Saturday
                d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() - ((d.getUTCDay() + 1) % 7))
                var i = d.getTime();
                do {
                    // when we don't set yaxis, the rectangle automatically
                    // extends to infinity upwards and downwards
                    markings.push({ xaxis: { from: i, to: i + 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } });
                    i += 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
                } while (i < axes.xaxis.max);

                return markings;

            var options = {
                xaxis: { mode: "time", tickLength: 5 },
                selection: { mode: "x" },
                grid: { markings: weekendAreas }

            var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), [d], options);

            var overview = $.plot($("#overview"), [d], {
                series: {
                    lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 1 },
                    shadowSize: 0
                xaxis: { ticks: [], mode: "time" },
                yaxis: { ticks: [], min: 0, autoscaleMargin: 0.1 },
                selection: { mode: "x" }

            // now connect the two

            $("#placeholder").bind("plotselected", function (event, ranges) {
                // do the zooming
                plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), [d],
                            $.extend(true, {}, options, {
                                xaxis: { min: ranges.xaxis.from, max: }

                // don't fire event on the overview to prevent eternal loop
                overview.setSelection(ranges, true);

            $("#overview").bind("plotselected", function (event, ranges) {

{% endblock foot_script %}


Embed in Symfony 2 the Flot jquery libraries







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