To export a html table in CSV, TXT, JSON, XML, SQL, XLS or DOC formats include:
<script type="text/javascript" src="tableExport.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/FileSaver/FileSaver.min.js"></script>
To export the table in PNG format additionally include :
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/html2canvas/html2canvas.min.js"></script>
To export the table as a PDF file the following includes are required :
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/html2canvas/html2canvas.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/jsPDF/jspdf.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/jsPDF-AutoTable/jspdf.plugin.autotable.js"></script>
jspdf: {orientation: 'p',
margins: {left:20, top:10},
autotable: false}
jspdf: {orientation: 'l',
format: 'a3',
margins: {left:10, right:10, top:20, bottom:20},
autotable: {extendWidth: true}
function DoCellData(cell, row, col, data) {}
function DoBeforeAutotable(table, headers, rows, AutotableSettings) {}
$('table').tableExport({fileName: sFileName,
type: 'pdf',
jspdf: { format: 'bestfit',
margins: {left:20, right:10, top:20, bottom:20},
autotable: {extendWidth: false,
overflow: 'linebreak',
tableExport: {onBeforeAutotable: DoBeforeAutotable,
onCellData: DoCellData}}}
consoleLog: false
csvEnclosure: '"'
csvSeparator: ','
csvUseBOM: true
displayTableName: false
escape: false
excelstyles: ['css','properties','to','export','to','excel']
fileName: 'tableExport'
htmlContent: false
ignoreColumn: []
ignoreRow: []
jspdf: orientation: 'p'
format: 'bestfit'
margins: { left: 20, right: 10, top: 10, bottom: 10 }
autotable: padding: 2
lineHeight: 12
fontSize: 8
tableExport: onAfterAutotable: null
onBeforeAutotable: null
onTable: null
numbers: html: decimalMark: '.'
thousandsSeparator: ','
output: decimalMark: '.',
thousandsSeparator: ','
onCellData: null
outputMode: 'file'
tbodySelector: 'tr'
theadSelector: 'tr'
tableName: 'myTableName'
type: 'csv'
worksheetName: 'xlsWorksheetName'
For jspdf options see the documentation of jsPDF and jsPDF-AutoTable resp.
(can be set while generating the table you want to export)
<table style="display:none;" data-tableexport-display="always">...</table> -> hidden table will be exported
<td style="display:none;" data-tableexport-display="always">...</td> -> hidden cell will be exported
<td data-tableexport-display="none">...</td> -> cell will not be exported