A simple client to get robohash avatar's from Robohash.org.
- From Rubygems:
$ gem install robohash_client
- From source code:
$ gem build robohash_client.gemspec
$ gem install robohash_client-0.0.2.gem
After install, you could save one or many images from Robohash.org like this:
require 'robohash_client'
# One image
# Many images
If anything but a non-empty String is passed, these are the returns:
# One image
# => Name should be an non-empty String!
# Many images
RobohashClient.get_many([Hash.new, 1, :symbol])
# => []
If you want to return only the URL's, you could do this:
# One URL
# => 'https://robohash.org/your_image_name'
# Many images
# => ['https://robohash.org/first', 'https://robohash.org/second', 'https://robohash.org/third']
The options allowed are:
- :set (:classic, :human, :heads, :cats, :any)
- :size (:small, :medium, :large, :extra)
- :bgset (:one, :two)
# Small image, with the cat's set
RobohashClient.get('your_image_name', { size: :small, set: :cats })
If invalid options are passed, they will be ignored.
The images will be saved at 'robohash_images' folder, in the folder where the ruby code is running, with the name passed as parameter and .png extension.
If you want to change the default directory where images are saved, you could use the default_dir property:
# Change default save directory to '/home/my_user'
Robohash.default_dir = '/home/my_user'
# => "Image my_image.png saved successfully on /home/my_user!"
# Reset default save directory to './robohash_images'
# => "Image my_image.png saved successfully on /path/to/ruby/file/robohash_images!"
Currently is not possible to change the default image extension, but I plan to include this option as soon as possible (or if you want to help, contribute!).
If you want to save an random name image on default directory, you could use the CLI:
$ robohash-client
# Image JD70LNQTP6F8.png saved successfully on robohash_images!
# => URL: https://robohash.org/JD70LNQTP6F8
To run the tests, do:
$ bundle && rspec
- Add a more decent CLI :)
- Get image/url with random name from client
- Add option for other image formats
- Refactor RobohashClient class in more classes
- ...
If you want to include more functionality or suggest some change:
- Fork this repo and create a branch on your fork for your new feature/change.
- Write your new feature/change.
- Submit your PR!
Once your PR is approved, repo owner (me!) will merge and deploy to Github and Rubygems.
If you want, can buy me a coffee too! ;)
If you have some question, feel free to send me a message!