ANTLR 4 parser for the draft 2014 SNOMED CT Compositional Grammar.
OWL API 4.x compliant classes for loading and storing SNOMED CT Compositional Grammar statements or expressions.
File format is a sequence of Compositionl Grammar statements.
mvn install
Additionally, there are some utility methods in the package.
java -jar SnomedCTParser-0.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar <input file> [-f [turtle|owlf|sct] -s <SNOMED CT OWL file> -n [stated|distribution|flat] -l]
The input file is any OWL file or a SNOMED CT Compositional grammar file (using the file format described above).
The flag -f selects the format for the output file.
The flag -n selects any processing of the ontology in the input file. "stated" means no processing. "distribution" means that the ontology is classified and that a Distribution Normal Form transformation is applied. [Only applicable to the SNOMED CT Observables model: "flat" means that any classes based on the nested version of the Obseravbles model is translated into the flat version of the Obseravbles model.]
The -s flag is used to supply a SNOMED CT OWL file (or possibly a module) which is imported into the ontology from the input file before classification (if applicable).
The -l flag, when present, labels are added to OWL classes/Compositional Grammar expressions.
Generates signature files for OWL module extraction by e.g.
java -cp SnomedCTParser-0.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar <input file> [-f <format>] [<output file>]
The input file is a Compositional Grammar file as e.g. generated by the tool above.
The flag -f selects the format for the output file, either:
- url for a file with lines on the form "<SCTID>"
- | for a file with lines on the form "<SCTID>|"