This Terraform module allows you to very easily spin up a Kubadm provisioned Kubernetes cluster on Hetzner Cloud. It creates one master node and one worker node.
Kubeadm is covered a lot in the Kubernetes Certified Adminstrator exam CKA - spinning up this cluster gives you practice for that exam and Kubernetes in general.
Kubeadm is used a lot in many productions for provisioning Kubernetes clusters in the cloud, on-prem, bare metal etc.
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You can call this module in your Terraform project like so:
module "hetzner_kubeadm" {
source = ""
worker_node_count = 6
This module assumes that you have a public key in ~/.ssh/
and a Hetzner API token ready to be used.
Once you've updated the api key variable, you're ready to run terraform apply
and spin up these nodes.
You can then SSH to the master with the root
user and begin following the kubeadm cluster walkthrough.
Kubeadm has resource requirements for it to run:
- 2GB Ram
- 2vCPU Cores for the master/control plane node.
This module has the correct instance sizes to run these instances with an estimated cost of:
8.38 euros p/month in Helsinki region for a master and control plane node.
If you want to run multiple master nodes on your heznter cluster, you can enable it with the boolean:
module "hetzner_kubeadm" {
source = ""
multi_master = true
master_node_count = var.multi_master == "true" ? 3 : 1
worker_node_count = 6
Read the docs here on how to configure multiple master nodes using Kubeadm: Kubeadm Multi Master