Distributed, highly availabiliity cryptocurrency market data system. Stores tick-level L1 & L2 data for 20+ largest crypto exchanges.
This is a snapshot of the project and will not be updated
Run ansible on the development machine
cd cryptopip/infrastructure/ansible
ansible-playbook -K -i hosts.yml playbook.yml
git clone https://gitlab.com/dannychua/cryptopip
cd cryptopip/infrastructure/db
docker-compose up -d
Note: If using Docker for Windows/Mac software, increasing the Memory limit from 2 GB to 12 GB. Otherwise PostgreSQL will be terminated by OOM Killer during heavy bulk insert operations.
npx knex --knexfile ./config/knexfile-datalake.js migrate:latest
cd src
npx knex --knexfile config/knexfile-datalake.js migrate:up
Install npm packages npm install cd src
Create database:
npx sequelize-cli db:create
Create tables & hypertables
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
Note: The table
must not have a primary_key, otherwise TimescaleDB cannot create the hypertable. timescale/timescaledb#447 (comment) -
Generate Sequelize model files
npx sequelize-automate -t js -h localhost -d database_development -u postgres -p cryptopippass -P 5432 -e postgres -o models -c "./config/sequelize-automate.config.json"
- Edit and run
. - Update
with new exchange/markets from Step 1. - Generate database tables.
For dev systems, try
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate:undo && npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
to drop all tables and recreate them. - Generate sequelize models using
. Apply fix to removeid
attributes if needed.
cd ~/cryptopip/infrastructure/db
docker-compose up -d
Collects data from remote ingestor database, deduplicates and save to local datalake.
node --max-old-space-size=4096 datalakeDownloader.js
Runs on cryptopip-db
Extracts current month's data from every database table into individual CSV files compressed into .gz files. The directory containing the entire month's data is then compressed into a single .tar.gz file.
Syncs the entire backups
folder to Google Drive.
node cryptopip/databaseBackup.js
docker exec cryptopip-wale wal-e backup-push /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_data
docker exec cryptopip-wale wal-e backup-list
docker exec cryptopip-wale wal-e delete --confirm retain 1
pg_dump -h -p 5432 -U postgres -Z0 -Fc datalake_development | pigz --rsyncable > datalake_development.gz
pg_dump -h -p 5432 -U postgres -Z0 -Fc app_development | pigz --rsyncable > app_development.gz
- Retrieve and dedupe date from remote ingesters
- Backup database to .tar.gz and syncs with Google Drive
01 00 * * * node --max-old-space-size=4096 cryptopip/datalakeDownloader.js >> cryptopip/logs/datalakeDownloader.log 2>&1
00 01 * * * node cryptopip/databaseBackup.js >> cryptopip/logs/databaseBackup.log 2>&1
Runs on cryptopip-db
Checks for missing data
node utils/check_data_continuity.js
npx sequelize-cli init
npx sequelize-cli model:create --name Tick --attributes exchange:string,quote:string,base:string,tradeId:string,unix:bigint,side:string,price:double,amount:double,buyOrderId:string,sellOrderId:string,serverTimestamp:double
npx sequelize-cli db:create
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
Runs on development system
cd cryptopip/infrastructure/ansible
ansible-playbook -K -i hosts.yml playbook.yml
sudo apt install zfsutils-linux
zpool create tank mirror sda sdb
zpool create tank mirror sdc sdd
zfs create tank/storage
zfs set mountpoint=/storage tank/storage
If enabling ZFS compression:
zfs set compression=lz4 tank/storage
cd cryptopip/infrastructure/db
docker-compose up -d
Remember to remove the &export=download
part of the Google drive link
curl -JLO https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1GJSa-uQl39BO14dUK4LY194x3OaJIPnS
gzip -d database_development_2020-02-29.gz
pigz -dc datalake_development_2020-02-29.gz > datalake_development_2020-02-29
ALTER SYSTEM SET max_wal_size = '16GB';
ALTER SYSTEM SET autovacuum=off;
ALTER SYSTEM SET archive_mode=off;
ALTER SYSTEM SET full_page_writes=off;
ALTER SYSTEM SET checkpoint_timeout='15min';
ALTER SYSTEM SET checkpoint_completion_target=0.9;
ALTER SYSTEM SET track_counts=off;
ALTER SYSTEM SET synchronous_commit=off;
ALTER SYSTEM SET bgwriter_delay='1000ms';
docker exec -it cryptopip-timescaledb /bin/bash
su postgres
pg_ctl reload
then run
CREATE DATABASE datalake_development;
\c datalake_development
SELECT timescaledb_pre_restore();
\! time pg_restore -Fc -d datalake_development /backups/datalake_development_2020-04-03
SELECT timescaledb_post_restore();
- During a database restore, if migration encounters an error
ERROR: tried calling catalog_get when extension isn't loaded
during table creation step, try running the migration first, then perform the database restore.