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My personal website written in Typescript, which includes a blog and library of code snippets. View it here:

To start the project I used Theodorus Clarence's NextJS + TailwindCSS starter, which includes a bunch of features you'd normally copy + paste from previous projects, including:

  • 💨 Tailwind CSS 3 — My new favorite UI framework, with included CSS Variables for colors
  • 💎 Pre-built Components — Components that will automatically adapt with your brand color
  • 📈 Absolute Import and Path Alias — Import components using @/ prefix
  • 📏 ESLint + Prettier — Automated with Github Actions, with added rules to auto sort your imports
  • 🐶 Husky & Lint Staged — Run scripts on your staged files before they are committed
  • 🤖 Conventional Commit Lint — Forces conventional commit messages to properly document every change you make (feat, fix, docs, chore, style, refactor, ci, test, perf, revert, vercel)
  • 👀 Default Open Graph — Awesome open graph generated using NextJS-compatible libraries
  • 🗺 Site Map — Automatically generate sitemap.xml

Getting Started

Use create-next-app with the template

You can clone this repo, but I recommend starting with the template so it's easier to replace the starter code. You can use the Github UI using that link, or with the create-next-app template:

   npx create-next-app -e project-name

Then you'll need to change the name in package.json and search for "!STARTERCONF" to configure it for your website.

2. Install dependencies

It is encouraged to use yarn so the husky hooks can work properly.

yarn install

3. Run the development server

You can start the server using this command:

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying src/pages/index.tsx.


I take pride in making my websites performant and accessible, so I had to do the same for my personal website. Check out the Page Speed Insights.

Website Performance