HA6/Hantei6 GUI editor for Melty Blood. It has partial support for UNIB. It's not being actively worked, feel free to fork it. This program only for windows.
Stuff that needs to be done:
- Play animations
- Redo/Undo stack
- Display .pat graphics
- Actual support for Under Night In Birth.
- A sprite browser
- Hotkeys, such as Ctrl+S
If you have a problem, open an issue.
Left click and drag in the display to scroll the view. Drag right click to draw a box. You can switch frames/patterns with the arrow keys. You can switch the currently selected type of box with Z and X. Don't try to press these hotkeys while you're drawing a box. You'll just make a mess.
There's also a slight bug when you click a control when the window is unfocused.
Building is extremely simple, and it works with both MSVC and Mingw-w64. Clone the git, init the submodules and run cmake. Assuming you're using ninja:
git clone --recursive [insert repo link here] hanteichan
cd hanteichan
mkdir build
cmake -S. -Bbuild -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build
And that's it!