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Starter examples to writes distributed fault-tolerant YARN applications

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YARN Starter

YARN, aka NextGen MapReduce, is awesome for building fault-tolerant distributed applications. But writing plain YARN application is far than trivial and might even be a show-stopper to lots of engineers.

The good news is that a framework to simplify interaction with YARN emerged and joined the Apache foundation: Apache Twill. While still in the incubation phase, the project looks really promising and allow to write (easier to test) Runnable application and run them on YARN.

The goal of this project is to reduce the entry barrier of writing fault-tolerant YARN applications, mostly leveraging on Twill (version 0.5.0-incubating at the time of writing). Read more on Twill here, here and here.

Simple Twill App Example

SimpleTwillTest is a really trivial application deployed on YARN using Twill. The application basically prints out a "hello world"-like message and quits.

The SimpleTwillTest test class extends AbstractTwillLauncher which takes care of starting an embedded Zookeeper server as well as a MiniYARNCluster.

Multiple Runnable Twill App Example

With Twill you can run several different TwillRunnable. This example runs 2 different applications:

Fault Tolerant Twitter Ingestion Twill App

Twitter to HDFS

Leveraging on the two previous example, this Twill application is reading data from Twitter firehose using Twitter4j and storing the data into HDFS.

Twitter4j has been wrapped as an RxJava Observable object, and is attached to and HDFS sink, partitioning the data by yyyy/mm/dd/hh/mm. This will be useful to create hive tables later on, with proper partitions.

Configure it

Action Required: to be able to run the application, you need to register a Twitter application to obtain oauth credentials. Store the credentials in the config file. Also, you might want to run git update-index --assume-unchanged src/main/resources/ to avoid committing your credentials.

Build it

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Note: -DskipTests is optional, but will make the build faster.

Run it

And Run it in the DAPLAB infrastucture like this:

./src/main/scripts/ --zk.connect daplab-wn-22.fri.lan:2181 --root.folder /tmp/$(whoami)/twitter

By default data is stored under /tmp/twitter/firehose, monitor the ingestion process:

hdfs dfs -ls -R /tmp/twitter/firehose
-rw-r--r--   3 yarn hdfs    7469136 2015-04-24 09:59 /tmp/twitter/firehose/2015/04/24/07/58.json
-rw-r--r--   3 yarn hdfs    6958213 2015-04-24 10:00 /tmp/twitter/firehose/2015/04/24/07/59.json
drwxrwxrwx   - yarn hdfs          0 2015-04-24 10:01 /tmp/twitter/firehose/2015/04/24/08
-rw-r--r--   3 yarn hdfs    9444337 2015-04-24 10:01 /tmp/twitter/firehose/2015/04/24/08/00.json

That's it, now you can kill the application and see how it will be restarted by YARN!

Bonus: Twitter to Kafka

Another version of the TwitterTo application is available: it reads from Twitter and publishes into Kafka. This version is slightly lighter than the toHDFS version as it's not a YARN application -- it is running as standalone daemon to run from the gateway.

The build and configure steps are the same than before, except that the topic must be created before running the application.

/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --zookeeper daplab-wn-22.fri.lan:2181 --create --topic $(whoami)_twitter --partitions 2 --replication-factor 2

Run it

./src/main/scripts/ --zk.connect daplab-wn-22.fri.lan:2181 --broker.list daplab-rt-11.fri.lan:6667,daplab-rt-13.fri.lan:6667,daplab-rt-14.fri.lan:6667 $(whoami)_twitter

Check if some tweets are flowing into Kafka

/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --broker-list daplab-rt-11.fri.lan:6667,daplab-rt-13.fri.lan:6667 --topic  $(whoami)_twitter --time -1


Starter examples to writes distributed fault-tolerant YARN applications






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