The Notification Sale is a full-stack and mobile project developed during 10th edition of DevSuper Week with Spring Framework and ReactJs key tecnologies. This event (#sds10) was planned and teached by DevSuperior.
The aplication is a tool used to notification leaders (someone) that your led realize any sale. So, the app request some infos from backend, that it's hosted on Heroku and list sales realized into period of time inputed.
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 2.7.3
- Spring Web
- Spring Security
- JPA / Hibernate
- Maven
- Twilio
- HTML / CSS / JS / TypeScript
- ReactJS
- React-datepicker 4.8.0
- React-toastify 9.0.5
- Back end: Heroku
- Front end web: Netlify
- Banco de dados: H2
Pre-requisites: Java 17
# clonar repositório
git clone
# go to the project folder
cd salesnotification-spring-react/backend
# Run project
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Pré-requisitos: npm / yarn
# entrar na pasta do projeto front end web
cd salesnotification-spring-react/frontend
# Install dependency
yarn install
# Run project
yarn start