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Read and Write Data

Read CSV

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

df = pd.read_csv("...file_name.csv")

Get data types:


Write csv without index:

df.to_csv("...file_name.csv", index=False)

Installing packages from tar.gz files

Navigate to the directory containing the .tar.gz file from your command prompt and enter this command:

pip install my-tarball-file-name.tar.gz


Convert column to strings:

df["Notes"] = df["Notes"].astype(str)

Can also use "int" and "float"

Convert string to all lower case:

df["Notes"] = df["Notes"].map(str.lower)

Can also use .upper

Strip out all punctuations in strings, including brackets:

geoCodeAdd["STREET_NAME"] = geoCodeAdd["STREET_NAME"].str.replace('[^\w\s]','')

Remove numbers from string:

df['Country'] = df['Country'].str.replace('\d+', '')

Extract only the numbers from a column:

df['LICENSE_NO']= df['LICENSE_NO'].str.extract('(\d+)')

Extract the charactes only from an address with house number:


Create new column category based on string in another column:

d['Type'] = np.where(d['Inspector Dept'].str.contains("Enforcement", case=False, na=False), 'Enforcement', 'Development')

Create new column based on split in string in another column:

d["Inspector Department"] = d['Inspector Dept'].str.split().str[0]

Fuzzy logic string comparison:

from difflib import SequenceMatcher as SM



ratio = SM(None, s1, s2).ratio()

Returns a score based on similarity

Fuzzy logic explicit word matching:

s1 = 'Alphonso Marshall'

s2 = 'Marshall Alphonso'

set1 = set(s1.split(' '))

set2 = set(s2.split(' '))

if set1 == set2:

print "True, same person"


print "False, not same person"

This prints out True

Splitting strings based on capital letters in string:

import re

a = 'JohnHamilton'

re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*', a)

Output is a list: ['John', 'Hamilton']

Stripping Strings:

Get year from date that is in this format: 20101117:

df['Initial File Year'] = df['Initial File Date Raw'].apply(lambda x: x[:4])

Strips all numbers from strings in dataframe column:

df['Last Name'] = df['Last Name'].map(lambda x: x.strip('0123456789'))

Or, just from left and right:

df['result'] = df['result'].map(lambda x: x.lstrip('+-').rstrip('aAbBcC'))

Strip white space from leading and trailing edge:

df["Address"] = df["Address"].map(str.strip)

Or use loop and column names:

col_names = sorted(list(df.columns.values))

for i in range(0, len(col_names)):

df[col_names[i]] = df[col_names[i]].astype(str)

for i in range(0, len(col_names)):

df[col_names[i]] = df[col_names[i]].map(str.strip)

Strip white spaces from leading and tailing edge in column

dfn = dfn.rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip())

Strip using special characters:

line = "59-35"

import re

line = re.sub('[-]', '', line)

Output: 5935

Stripping out numbers:

str = "h3110 23 cat 444.4 rabbit 11 2 dog"

str2 = [int(s) for s in str.split() if s.isdigit()]

ouptut: [23, 11, 2]

Stripping out numbers, method 2

st = '132ND'

st = ''.join(c for c in st if c.isdigit())

*output: 132

Stripping out special characters:

dfstaff["Name"] = dfstaff["Name"].str.replace('[^\x00-\x7F]','')

Remove the last element (or word) in a text string:

text = '272-276 Broadway New York NY 10007'

text.rsplit(' ', 1)[0]

Regular Expressions

With list comprehension, finds all words in a list that begin with '@':

import re

[w for w in text8 if'@[A-Za-z0-9_]+', w)]

[]: matches a set of characters, [a-z]: matches a character in the range a to z, [^abc]: matches a character not a, b, or c, [a|b]: matches a or b where a and b are strings

Columns, Drop Duplicates, Rename Columns and Elements, etc

Get unique values in columns:


Count the total NaN in dataframe:


Sum NaN by column:


Sum NaN by all columns


By column name:

df = df.drop('First Name_x', 1)

Drop duplicates and reset index:

df = df.drop_duplicates(['Group2']).reset_index(drop=True)

*Note: Always reset index after droping

Drop duplicates based on more than one field:

df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Address', 'Boro']).reset_index(drop=True)

drops rows where address and borough are the same

Drop duplicates based on element in another column, this drops all rows of data except if value in INSPECTION_ID equals the value in INSPECTION_ID.1

dn = dn[dn['INSPECTION_ID'] == dn["INSPECTION_ID.1"]]

Just reset index

df = df.reset_index(drop=True)

Renaming Columns

df = df.rename(columns={'Org.Level.4': 'org_level_4', 'Org.Level.4.Number': 'org_level_4_number'})

Rename Elements

dfn['Boro'] = dfn['Boro'].str.replace('BRO', 'BROOKLYN')

Rename multiple elements

df['Boro'] = df.borough.replace({'Manhattan':1,'Bronx':2,'Brooklyn':3,'Queens':4,'Staten Island':5})

Fill NaN with zeros

df = df.fillna(0)

Replace string in all columns:

d = d.replace(["None"], [""])

df = df.replace(['very bad', 'bad', 'poor', 'good', 'very good'], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

Drop row based on element type:

df = df[df["BORO"] != 0]

drops all rows with 0

Drop row if contain string:

df2 = df2[df2.Address.str.contains("WEST END AVE") == False]

drops all rows in Address field if contain WEST END AVE

Drop NaN, works for categorical variables:

df = df[pd.notnull(df['Distressed'])]

Drop NaN using dropna:

df = df.dropna()

this drops all rows with NaN

Drop NaN based on row:

df = df.dropna(subset = ['BIN'])

Drop NaN using is finite (only works for numeric data):

df = df[np.isfinite(df['House Number'])]

Move columns, this moves last column to first colum:

cols = nodesGephi.columns.tolist()

cols = cols[-1:] + cols[:-1]

nodesGephi = nodesGephi[cols]

Merging data

Simple merge, if keys in w1 and w2 are the same:

merged = pd.merge(w1, w2)

If not same, specify the key:

merged_all = pd.merge(merged, w3, left_on = "FULL NAME1", right_on = "FULL NAME2" )

Left-outer join


frames = [df1, df2]

result = pd.concat(frames)

Create DF and add rows of data

qn = pd.DataFrame(columns=('BIN', 'Boro Code', 'Boro', 'House Number', 'Street Name', 'Address', 'Latitude', 'Longitude'))

qn.loc[0] = ['NA','NA','NA', 'NA','NA','NA', 'NA','NA']

qn.loc[1] = ['NA','NA','NA', 'NA','NA','NA', 'NA','NA']

Note: Number of columns must match

Transposing dataframe

Switch columns and rows:

df = df.T

Loops and Assignments

Turn chain assignments off:

pd.set_option('chained_assignment', None)


geoCodeCheck = geoCodeCheck[geoCode['Street Name'] == 'knickerbocker avenue']

Subset streets bounded by left and right x coord using mask

mask = (dfList['XCoord'] >= xy2[0]) & (dfList['YCoord'] <= xy1[0])

dfList_subset = dfList.loc[mask]

Subset based on string in a column:

df2 = df2[df2.Address.str.contains("WEST END AVE") == False]

Subset using two elements in column:

df = df[(df['closing_price'] >= 99) & (df['closing_price'] <= 101)]

Subset using a list (this removes all rows of data not in list):

df = df[df['Name'].isin(nameList)]

Or, remove all those in list (removes all items in the list):

dpsub = dp[~dp['BIN'].isin(binList)]

Drop all rows except for rows where two fields are equal:

df2 = df[df['INSPECTION_ID'] == df["INSPECTION_ID.1"]]

Subset using boolean mask:

only_gold = df[df['Gold'] > 0]

Replaces numbers with NaN for countries that did not have a gold medal

Sort and reindex

Sort by high risk ranking and reindex

export = export.sort_values(by = 'High Risk Ranking', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=False)

Sort python list, from high to low:

sorted(ratio_list, reverse=True)

Sort and keep only those with duplicates

ids = dfInt["NODEID"]

dfInt2 = dfInt[ids.isin(ids[ids.duplicated()])].sort_values(by="NODEID")

Sort a list of list, first item is string, second item is numeric:

from operator import itemgetter

ratio_list = sorted(ratio_list, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)

Sort columns by name:

df = df.reindex_axis(sorted(df.columns), axis=1)

From List to Dataframe:

df = pd.DataFrame(dfList, columns=['BIN', 'Boro', 'Address'])

Lists and Sets

Create a list

list_block = []

for i in range(0, len(df2)):

Create a list from dataframe column:

dateList = df2['Date'].tolist()

Create a set from a list

set_block = set(list_block)

Removing any element with numbers from a list:

text = [x for x in text if not any(c.isdigit() for c in x)]

Sort the set

set_block = sorted(set_block)

Create a categorical variable based on items in list:

frame = pd.DataFrame({'a' : ['the cat is blue', 'the sky is green', 'the dog is black']})

mylist =['dog', 'cat', 'fish']

pattern = '|'.join(mylist)

frame["TF"] = frame.a.str.contains(pattern)

Remove empty elements in list:

a = filter(None, a)

Replacing elements in list using list comprehension


a = ["NA" if x=="" else x for x in a]

Replaces empty elements with 'NA'

List intersections, produces list of common elements between list1 and list2

x = list(set(list1).intersection(list2))

Replace words or names in a list using a dictionary:

words = flist

final_string = ', '.join(str(nameDic.get(word, word)) for word in words)

Sort a list of strings, from largest to smallest:

matchList.sort(key = lambda s: len(s), reverse=True )

Remove empty space in a list:

name_list = ['ALEX PERA', ' ', 'VAL TOL']

name_list = [x for x in name_list if x != ' ']

From list of lists to list:

oList = sum(oList, [])

Map and Lambda Functions

Create a list of titles and last names:

people = ['Dr. Christopher Brooks', 'Dr. Kevyn Collins-Thompson', 'Dr. VG Vinod Vydiswaran', 'Dr. Daniel Romero']

def split_title_and_name(person):

return person.split()[0] + " " + person.split()[-1]

list(map(split_title_and_name, people))

Create new column (dummy variable) based on value in another column:

df3['Target'] = lambda x: 1 if x >= 1800 else 0)

Basic Lambda:

my_function = lambda a, b, c: a3 + b2 + c

print my_function(2,3,4)

Creating dummy variables

First create dummy variables using the categorical variable in the dataframe, and then concatinate to original dataframe

df = df[["Permit Number", "PermitType"]]

jobtype_dummies = pd.get_dummies(df.PermitType, prefix='PermitType')

df = pd.concat([df, jobtype_dummies], axis=1)

List comprehensions

lst = []

for i in range(10):

for j in range (10):


Same as this list comprehension:

lst = [i*j for i in range(10) for j in range(10)]

Append Dataframe

all_data = pd.DataFrame()

all_data = all_data.append(df,ignore_index=False)

Splitting and String Comparison with Two Dataframes

This splits house number with "-" into two columns

location_df = df['h_no'].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.split(',')))

Want to know if address one in df1 matches df2, if so tag the address

Create a list of matching addresses in the dataframes:

common_cols = list(set(df14.Address) & set(dfmn.Address))

dfmn["Corner"] = 0

dfmn["Corner"] = 0

for i in range(0, len(dfmn)):

if dfmn["Address"][i] in common_cols:

    dfmn["Corner"][i] = 1


Add the total leave hours per person in new column called 'Correct Duration Sum'

lv['Correct Duration Sum'] = lv['Correct Duration'].groupby(lv['CityTime ID']).transform('sum')

Sums by BIN and then year and sums up all of the other numeric variables:

qnG = qn.groupby(['BIN', 'Year']).sum()

Reset back to dataframe:

qnG = qnG.add_suffix('_Count').reset_index()

Groupby using lambda, weight and quantity are columns in dataframe, suma up the multiplication of weight x quantity

dfG = df.groupby('Category').apply(lambda df,a,b: sum(df[a] * df[b]), 'Weight (oz.)', 'Quantity'))

Groupby, count number of jobs and sum all other variables:

dfG = (df.groupby('BIN_Number').agg({'Job_Number':'count', 'AHV_Grants': 'sum', 'Initial_Da':'sum', 'Additional':'sum'}).reset_index().rename(columns={'Job_Number':'Job_Number_count'}) )

Groupby and count distinct:

df3 = df.groupby("Date").agg({"VISIT_KEY": pd.Series.nunique})

Groupby and sum strings in row, this first creates a series and then needs to be converted to dataframe:

f = rank_title.groupby('Name')['Title'].apply(lambda x: "{%s}" % ', '.join(x))

X = pd.DataFrame(f)

X = X.reset_index(drop=False)

Groupby and choose max date:

coG = coG.groupby(['BIN Number'], sort=False)['C of O Issue Date'].max()


Convert date into pandas datetime:

df['DATE_SCHEDULED'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DATE_SCHEDULED'])

Convert string to datetime:

start_date = str(1) + '-' + str(1) + '-' + str(2016)

from dateutil import parser

start_date = parser.parse(start_date)

start_date =

Remove time from datetime:

db["DATE_INSPECTION"] = db["DATE_INSPECTION"].apply(lambda x:

Remove date from datetime:

df['Inspection Time'] = df["Inspection Time"].apply( lambda d : d.time() )

Get the difference in days

df['Difference'] = (df["hearing_date"] - df["ticket_issued_date"]).dt.days


d = df2["Variance End Date"][j] - df2["Variance Start Date"][j]

diff = d.days

diff = int(diff)

Get the difference in hours:

print pd.Timedelta(d["Next_Login"][0] - d["Crash_Time_EST"][0]).seconds / 3600.0

Create time bins, morning, afternoon, evening:

df2 = df2.assign(session=pd.cut(df2.DateTime.dt.hour,[0,6,12,18,24],labels=['Night','Morning','Afternoon','Evening']))

Create week number based on date, year, month and day are integers:

df["Week Number"][i] =, month, day).isocalendar()[1]

Subset with date time and masking:

start_time = str(lv["Start Time"][i].month) + '-' + str(lv["Start Time"][i].day) + '-' + str(lv["Start Time"][i].year)

end_time = str(lv["End Time"][i].month) + '-' + str(lv["End Time"][i].day) + '-' + str(lv["End Time"][i].year)

mask = (wd['workdays'] >= start_time) & (wd['workdays'] <= end_time)

wd_subset = wd.loc[mask]

Print current date and time:

from datetime import datetime

print str(

Plus or minus days in date range:

insp_date = df["DATE_INSPECTION"][0]

d = datetime.timedelta(days = 2)

minus2 = insp_date - d

plus2 = insp_date + d

mask = (all_data2['Date'] >= minus2) & (all_data2['Date'] <= plus2)

dfpm2 = all_data2.loc[mask]

Dataframe Math and Stats Calculations

Sum values in dataframe:

sum_trans = df3["Transaction Amount"].sum()

Get min mor max in dataframe column:


Summary stats, continuous vars only:


Multiply all floats by 100 to convert into percent

Get datatypes first then convert


dr[dr.select_dtypes(include=['float']).columns] *= 100

Round all numbers in df to two decimal places:

dr = dr.round(2)


From dataframe to dictionary, df with fields "bin" and "WallArea SqFt"

dwsDic = dwsG.set_index('bin')['WallArea SqFt'].to_dict()

Mapping dictionaries (insert value of dictionary) into dataframe, lat is dataframe where key is the address

df["lat"] = df["address"].map(lat)

Replace all values column based on dictionary:

di = {1: "A", 2: "B"}

df = df.replace({"col1": di})

Creating flag using dictionaries, this creates a Y/N flag where Y is in flag if job number in column, N if not:

dic_s = {'7398378':'Y', '7398310':'Y'}

df['Flag'] = df['Job Number'].map(dic_s).fillna('N')


for i in range(0, len(dfdn)):
     print "terracot address", dfdn["AddressMatch"][i]
    print "dic list", d2[dfdn["AddressMatch"][i]] 
except KeyError, e:
    print e

Useful Websites:

12 Useful Pandas Commands

Pivoting in Pandas:

Pivot with name, year, sum of variable (creates index with name, colums are date, values are duration in hours):

p = resultG.pivot_table(index='Name', columns='Month-Year', values='Duration Hours_Count')

Pivot where the values are strings (the default aggregates integers or floats):

p = dfc3.pivot_table(index='RegistrationID', columns='Type', values='Name', aggfunc=lambda x: ' '.join(x))

Pivot and sum values

st = st.pivot_table(index='BIN Number', columns='Permit Sub Type',values='Value', aggfunc=np.sum)

List comprensions links:


Tools to clean, transform, merge and reshape data






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