This library allows you to create animated line chart and adding image on set points
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.darkh:AnimatedLineChart:Tag'
First, you have to add the View in your xml file
tools:layout_editor_absoluteX="6dp" />
then in your Activity
AnimatedLineChart chart = findViewById(;
ArrayList<DataSet> points = new ArrayList<>();
points.add(new DataSet(40,"2016",bitmap));
points.add(new DataSet(50,"2017",bitmap));
points.add(new DataSet(20,"2018",bitmap));
points.add(new DataSet(60,"2019",bitmap));
points.add(new DataSet(70,"2020",bitmap));
The data set include 3 objects:
- the point
- point name
- point image as a bitmap
you can change the view characteristics as follow:
chart.setLineColor(Color.BLUE); // set the color for the animated line
chart.setLegendsFrameColor(Color.BLUE); // set the color for chart frame
chart.setAnimationDuration(2000); // change the speed of animation
chart.addImageBorder(true); // adding border for the point image
chart.setImageBorderColor(Color.BLUE) // set the color for image border
chart.setImageBorderStrokeWidth(15f); // set the width for image border stroke
chart.setLegendsPathEffect(pathEffect); // set pathEffect for chart frame
chart.setLineStrokeWidth(5f); set the animated line storke width
chart.setDrawLegends(false); by default the chart frame is true but you can disable it by set false
chart.setBackgroundColor(alpha, red, green, blue); set background color for the chart
chart.setTextSize(20); set text size for labels
chart.setRepeat (true) by default false but you can set it true so the animation will keep repeating
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Apache License 2.0