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Releases: darknethaxor/DH-HackBar

Important update

03 Jul 08:57
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These issues have been fixed:

  1. In case of some websites, HackBar was showing only the background color or image, no foreground contents (texts, images etc) were being shown
  2. Use of Tamper Data and No Redirection features were causing crashes in case of some websites
  3. JavaScript powered View Source method and Extract Link features had some bugs, and weren't working when JavaScript was turned off
  4. Admin Finder and Admin Scanner tools had notable bugs which were causing fatal crashes
  5. SQLi Scanner in Web Tools weren't showing results after scanning
  6. Some queries had small mistakes, so couldn't work

These new things are added:

  1. 6 more powerful DIOS queries
  2. 2 more Union Statements methods
  3. More queries and payloads
  4. More dorks in Admin Finder and Admin Scanner tools
  5. Intent Filter to show DH HackBar in the list of Web Browsers
  6. Restart option in the Menu
  7. Note keeping feature in Admin Finder and Admin Scanner tools
  8. System Information in About section

Other changes:

  1. Colored the ProgressBar
  2. Rearranged some buttons
  3. Animated and Darkened the Menu
  4. Improved User Experience
  5. Boosted overall flexibility
  6. Many small bugs fixed
  7. Upgraded from Java 7 to Java 8 LTS
  8. Upgraded Dexer from Dx to D8