Adapa is a simple ansible+vagrant setup for playing with the cluster services etcd and serf
supervisord lets you turn simple processes into init-style services
this lets us turn ordinary commands into monitored and manageable daemons
adapa uses supervisord to manage the etcd and serf daemons
etcd is a distributed key/value store with a simple http interface
You can use etcd as a foundation for shared data across systems
serf is a decentralized system for service orchestration
nodes participate in a simple message based event system
custom handlers can be registered against the serf agent to handle custom events
this means you can send out events such as 'supervisorctl restart etcd'
If you have vagrant and virtualbox installed:
git clone
cd adapa
vagrant up
vagrant ssh [oannes|adapa]
Then poke around with the etcdctl and serf binaries
You may need to edit ansible/host_vars to match your vms public ips Have fun!