This is the standalone code for training of the viewer-centred completion network (VCN) in SEE-VCN.
VCN is a PointNet based model that can complete the point clouds of object as captured in the wild by a lidar sensor. The coordinates of such objects are relative to the view-point of the sensor frame, which we call viewer-centred coordinates. Given an object's points, we can estimate it's pose and complete the surface without requiring pre-canonicalization like other point cloud completion methods. VCN runs at 0.32ms/car.
pip install -e . --user
- VC-ShapeNet [download]: Viewer-centred surface car dataset. Cars were positioned in viewer-centred frame using waymo labels and raycasted to obtain occluded cars in realistic scenes.
- Lidar test set [download]: We randomly select 5000 cars from KITTI, nuScenes and Waymo each for evaluation
We provide a Demo notebook with some demo data for quickstart.
# Use DistributedDataParallel (DDP)
bash ./scripts/ <NUM_GPU> <port> \
--config <config> \
--exp_name <name> \
[--resume] \
[--start_ckpts <path>] \
[--val_freq <int>]
# or just use DataParallel (DP)
bash ./scripts/ <GPUIDS> \
--config <config> \
--exp_name <name> \
[--resume] \
[--start_ckpts <path>] \
[--val_freq <int>]
For example:
# Train a model with 2 gpus
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 bash ./scripts/ 2 13232 \
--config ./cfgs/VCN_models/VCN_VC.yaml \
--exp_name exp01
# Resume model training
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 bash ./scripts/ 2 13232 \
--config ./cfgs/VCN_models/VCN_VC.yaml \
--exp_name exp01 --resume
bash ./scripts/ 0 \
--ckpts ./model_zoo/VCN_VC.pth \
--config ./cfgs/VCN_models/VCN_VC.yaml \
--exp_name exp01
Our code is built on the repository of PoinTr.