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This docker image allows you to synchronize a single source repository with one or more target repositories. It supports a cron-style run type as well as a single run.

Pulling the image

Docker hub:

docker pull daskaesebrot/git-sync


The image can be partly configured using environment variables, but the main configuration has to be defined in the yaml- or json-based configuration file.

Supported environment variables

Environment variables always take precedence over variables from the config file!

  • GITSYNC_RUN_TYPE: Can be either once or cron. Defaults to once.
  • GITSYNC_CRON_INTERVAL: Cron interval. Defaults to an empty value.
  • GITSYNC_KEYFILE: Path to a keyfile to be used as the root file, unless it's overriden in a repository or remote config. Defaults to an empty value.
  • GITSYNC_CACHE_ROOT_DIR: Directory inside the container to use for caching repositories. Defaults to /var/opt/gitsync/cache
  • GITSYNC_CONFIG_FILE: Config file to use when starting the image. Defaults to /var/opt/gitsync/config/config.yml

Configuration file

For each entry in repos, you may give a simple human-readable name. After that define your remotes, also using a human-readable name with the required key url. Only SSH-based Git URLs are supported for now. To define a source to be replicated across all other remotes for repository, add the key/value-pair source: true. If the source key is not defined for a remote, it will default to false.


# section can be omitted if environment variables are given instead
  # supported values: cron | once
  run_type: cron
  # ignored when run_type = once
  # allows you to define a cron-based interval
  cron_interval: "0 5 * * *"

  # container path to the ssh keyfile to use when pulling/pushing a remote
  keyfile: "/var/opt/gitsync/keys/id_rsa"

  # cache directory for synced repositories
  cache_root_dir: "/var/opt/gitsync/cache"

    # optional keyfile override for repositories. If this key isn't defined, config.keyfile will be used.
    keyfile: "/var/opt/gitsync/keys/repository_key"
      url: ""
      # repos.[repo].[remote].source defaults to false if omitted, all other remotes are treated as sync targets
      # only a single source can be defined
      source: true

      # optional keyfile override for remotes. If this key isn't defined, repos.[repo].keyfile will be used.
      keyfile: "/var/opt/gitsync/keys/custom_remote_key"

      url: "ssh://"


    "config": {
        "run_type": "cron",
        "cron_interval": "0 5 * * *",
        "keyfile": "/var/opt/gitsync/keys/id_rsa"
    "repos": {
        "my_repo_1": {
            "keyfile": "/var/opt/gitsync/keys/repository_key",
            "github": {
                "url": "",
                "source": true,
                "keyfile": "/var/opt/gitsync/keys/custom_remote_key"
            "gitlab": {
                "url": "ssh://"

Running the image

Either by using docker run directly:

docker run \
    -v /path/to/your/config/config.yml:/var/opt/gitsync/config/config.yml:ro \
    -v /path/to/your/keyfile/git_key_ed25519:/var/opt/gitsync/keys/git_key_ed25519:ro \
    -v myvolume:/var/opt/gitsync/cache \
    -e GITSYNC_KEYFILE="/var/opt/gitsync/keys/git_key_ed25519" \
    -e GITSYNC_RUN_TYPE="cron" \
    -e GITSYNC_CRON_INTERVAL="0 5 * * *" \

...or using a docker-compose.yml:

version: '2'

    image: daskaesebrot/git-sync
    restart: always
      - /path/to/your/config/config.yml:/var/opt/gitsync/config/config.yml:ro
      - /path/to/your/keyfile/git_key_ed25519:/var/opt/gitsync/keys/git_key_ed25519:ro
      - myvolume:/var/opt/gitsync/cache
      - GITSYNC_KEYFILE="/var/opt/gitsync/keys/git_key_ed25519"
      - GITSYNC_RUN_TYPE="cron"
      - GITSYNC_CRON_INTERVAL="0 5 * * *"
