Crisis Assistance is a BOT, ready to help in crisis or disaster related situations. It has access to various data sources and can be interacted via mobile app or website.
We have come up with an idea of a BOT which will work as Crisis Assistance in terms of voice communicator, chat communicator and automated Alert system. This bot will effectively communicate during an emergency situation. This Bot will take place of a doctor sometime, sometime teacher, sometime guardian etc. This Bot will be available in real time. It will be accessible from anywhere. People can communicate with BOT in their native language, BOT will translate them into English while transmitting. This BOT will be able to identify the GEO location and share while transmitting the message. The one and only one intension behind it, is save as much lives as possible.
As per current situation whole world is threatened by COVID-19. World is fighting against this virus. This is a pandemic situation, not everyone in this world are equally aware of this virus - the do’s and don’ts. COVID-19 definitely crisis, but on top of it there are other crisis getting created by natural disaster. Super cyclone, Earthquake, Flood are some natural calamities happening on every year. We managed those crisis before but now in this CORONA period, situation is much tough. Let’s take a small example – due to recent super cyclone at West Bengal, many trees are uprooted and closed the road. Prior to CORONA, people from disaster management came and cut the trees and clear the path. During COVID-19, the situation is completely different, here we have to cut the tree keeping social distance. Things become more and more challenging and time consuming. Our Crisis Assistance will play a very vital role here, nearby people will access this app to know alternate way to reach a hospital in case of medical emergency, avoid road where people are more, they can even report that there is road block due to tree falls down.
Let’s think of a different crisis scenario. People live in interior village. Most of them do not have any smart phone, instead of that they have old model phone. Due to flood they lost their house. Tremendous crisis of food. They are completely clueless, how they will communicate with others as they have separated from rest of the world. It’s another type of crisis. Our Crisis Assistance will play a crucial role here. How? People will call helpline number and share their situation and ask for help in their local language. BOT will translate the message to English and share with Nearby People / Government Rescue authority/ NGO who can save them. BOT will share the Geography location at the same time. Benefit, again save those lives.
Another common crisis scenario, an old lady is living alone. She has started fever with throat pain. She does not know what to do next. So first thing he/she will do will open this Crisis Assistance and type the situation. As a result BOT will share Doctors list available for online consultation, medicine home delivery information and nearby Lab details with home sample collection facility. Yes we can save her even in this crisis situation with right information on right time.
Our idea is to put below features in Crisis Assistance:
Ø Chat Communication feature
Ø Voice communication feature in Local Language
Ø Implement “Alert” feature specific to a place based on Weather Forecast or Pandemic situation. This Alert will provide all advisory information to fight against crisis in well advance.
- This bot will be available from both web and mobile application, so that user can have easy access to the preinstalled mobile app with added features (like alert and push notification) and web app to access from any devices having browser irrespective of operating system.
- This bot will be able to interact in both chat and voice mode.
- This bot will also be accessible via call or sms services, so that old feature phone can have access to it.
- This bot will support all major local or native languages, so that each and every person can use it directly in times of need.
- This bot will also send alert and tips proactively to the people in crisis affected areas with preventive measurement.
- This bot will provide requested information in real time based on local community or nearest services availability. Also it will send notification to the nearest nodal points in case of urgency.
- The user communicates with Crisis Assistance BOT via mobile app through Text/Audio.
- Watson Speech to Text processes the audio and extracts the text.
- Mobile app (optionally) can transfer the request to Google Cloud search to get better response.
- Could service can identify crisis type and store conversation originated location.
- Mobile App Map view plots alert circles based on identified crisis communication count.
- Bot suggests some Web pages for the solution in current Crisis.
- A web based worldmap (for Authorized people only) plots all the PANIC alerts with location/address.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
git clone
cd .\CallForCode2020_CrisisAssistance\source\RN_CrisisAssistance_App\
npm install
npm start
You can find a running app to test at Play Store.
Node-red app can be found here.
Panic Alert Map can be found here.
- Watson Assistant - Used to build conversational interfaces
- Node-RED - Used to wiring together flows and services
- Watson Speech to Text - Used to convert human voices into the text
- IBM Cloudant - The NoSQL database used
- IBM Db2 - The SQL database used
- React Native - The mobile application development framework
- Google Custom Search - The search engine service
- Google Maps - The web mapping service
- Kanika Datta - Initial work
- Ranjan Kumar Das - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2 License - see the LICENSE file for details