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Contributing to the Data Umbrella Events Board


This event board application is built with ReactJS and bootstrapped with Create React App.

There are two parts:

  1. front-end: event-board-web repository;
  2. back-end: event-board-api repository;


This service implements a basic REST API that leverages the Django REST Framework.

Development Dependencies

Python Dependencies

  • asgiref
  • dj-database-url
  • Django
  • django-environ
  • djangorestframework1
  • gunicorn0
  • psycopg2-binary
  • sqlparse

API Interfaces


GET /api/v1/events  
GET /api/v1/events/ID
POST /api/v1/events
PUT /api/v1/events/ID
DELETE /api/v1/events/ID

Getting started with development

1. Clone the git repository

Suggested folder name: du-event-board

mkdir du-event-board
cd du-event-board
git clone

Go into the repository:

cd event-board-api

2. Build the docker images

docker compose build

Note: Docker (desktop) should be running before docker compose build. Otherwise you will see this message.

▶ docker compose build
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                      
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

3. Start the web server and database

docker compose up

The command for starting the web service migrates the database for you running executing following commands before starting the web server. See the docker-compose.yml file for details.

docker compose run web python seed
docker compose run web python makemigrations
docker compose run web python migrate
docker compose run web python runserver

The first time running docker compose up you may run into an issue with the web server timing out waiting for the database to initialize. You may need to run docker compose down and running docker compose up again or starting the services separately.

docker compose up db
docker compose up web

If you run into an error about mismatches for Postgresql versions you make need to clear the local cache.

rm -rf data/db

Github Codespace

The API can be easily setup if you launch a new Github Codespace. Core functionality can be enabled by created a .env with DEVELOPMENT=True and updating the Once the configs have been setup you can run the other docker compose commands.


The Codespace ports will need to be opened to the public. From a new tab, after the server has been started run the follow command.

gh codespace ports visibility 8000:public -c $CODESPACE_NAME

See the Github discussion for more details about this issue

4. Create admin user

docker compose run web python createsuperuser --email

5. Open the admin console in the browser

Visit http://localhost:8000/admin in your browser to login into admin panel.

6. View the Django REST framework's graphical interface for the events API

Visit the http://localhost:8000/api/v1/events to view the API documentation site.

7. Running tests

docker-compose run web python test


1. Checkout a feature branch


2. Commit changes

echo "Example change" > example.txt
git add example.txt
git commit -m "Add example change"

3. Push changes to your forked repository

git push -u origin new-branch-name

4. Open a pull request

When you push up a new branch to GitHub a link to directly open a pull request is printed to the console. You can also visit and a notification to Compare & pull request should be visible at the top of the repository. If you wait a little while the notification may disappear. You can also find your branch from the branch drop down and visit a link that should look like From there you can click the Contribute dropdown button which will the Open Pull Request for the branch. Once you've open a pull request this repo's maintainers will review your contribution. The repo's maintainers will merge it if it is looks good, or they may ask you to make some changes.


The application currently uses Django's out-of-the-box testing environment. You can run all tests using the comment.

docker compose up python test

Continuous Integration

The application's tests are run via GitHub Actions for all new branches and pull requests. The configs for the test workflow can be found in .github/workflows/test.yaml.


The Data Events Board is deployed on DigitalOceans App Platform. Digital Ocean (DO) connects to the GitHub and on initialization detects that the repository is a Django project and automatically populates default configuration. The project is configured to parameterize the settings for the project using encrypted environment variables set in DO. To learn more deploying Django apps on Digital Ocean (DO) App see their tutorial

Uploading Data

Events can be uploaded from a CSV file. You can add a file with new events to the data/seeds directory in the event-board-api repository. The CSV file should have a header row with the following column names:

  1. event_name (required): The name of the event.
  2. organization_name (required): The name of the organizing entity for the event.
  3. organization_url (required): The URL of the organizing entity's website.
  4. featured (required): Indicates whether the event is featured. Use '1' for true and '0' for false.
  5. start_date (required): The start date of the event in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
  6. end_date (required): The end date of the event in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
  7. tags (required): Comma-separated list of tags associated with the event.
  8. event_url (required): The URL of the event's website.
  9. image_url (optional): The URL of an image associated with the event.
  10. code_of_conduct_url (optional): The URL of the event's code of conduct.
  11. acronym (optional): The acronym or short form of the event name.
  12. language (required): The language(s) of the event, separated by commas. Use values: "English", "Spanish", "Portuguese", "French", "Japanese".
  13. region (optional): The region of the event. Use values: "Africa", "Asia", "Canada / USA", "Europe", "Latin America", "Middle East", "Oceania", "Online".
  14. in_person (required): Indicates whether the event has in-person components. Use 'Yes' for true and 'No' for false.
  15. virtual (required): Indicates whether the event has virtual components. Use 'Yes' for true and 'No' for false.
  16. hash_tag (required): The event's hashtag.
  17. cfp_due_date (optional): The Call for Papers (CFP) due date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
  18. price (required): The price category of the event. Use values like 'free', 'paid', etc.
  19. price_range (optional): A description of the price range, e.g., '$$$'.
  20. cfp_url (optional): The URL for submitting proposals or papers.
  21. event_type (required): The type of the event, e.g., "Conference", "Workshop".

The seed script is defined in events/management/commands/ and run with the command.

python seed

The script and data file can be tested locally via Docker in a Codespace. In order to run in production, you need admin access to the Digital Ocean App platform instance. From the Digital Ocean App Platform page for the app and click the "Console tab" to be able to run a python script.


  • Boolean values (e.g., featured, in_person, virtual) should be represented as '1' for true and '0' for false.
  • Date fields (start_date, end_date, cfp_due_date) should be in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
  • Language should be one or more of the specified values separated by commas.
  • Region should match one of the specified values.
  • If a field is optional and not applicable, leave it blank.
  • Ensure that the CSV file does not contain extra columns or rows beyond the header and data.


Example Event,Example Organization,,1,2024-05-01,2024-05-03,tech,,image_url,,EXM,en,Europe,1,0,#example,2024-03-01,paid,$$,,Conference

Video resources

This is a playlist of 3 videos, Intro to React Tutorial:

  1. React Tutorial Part 1: Background
  2. React Tutorial Part 2: JavaScript, Node.js
  3. React Tutorial Part 3: React Fundamentals, Build Your First React Front-end Application

This is a playlist of 3 videos, Intro to Django:

  1. Django Tutorial Part 1: Python for Beginners
  2. Django Tutorial Part 2: Intro to Web Development Frameworks
  3. Django Tutorial Part 3: Building Your First Django Application


Contributing guidelines

  1. To claim an issue, "I am working on it" and then you can start working on it; there is no need to wait to be assigned on an issue.
  2. A pull request should be submitted within two weeks or someone else can work on the issue.

Thank you

Thank you for contributing to the Data Umbrella Events Board.