An app that consumes {JSON} Placeholder API and It shows the urls shorten with their own content like alias, orignal link and short url. The user can save his favorites shorten urls or delete them in the history.
Clone the repo and use this flutter version Flutter 2.10.4 • channel stable
- To install the packages you must run:
flutter pub get (terminal)
or if you have fvm
fvm flutter pub get
cmd + s (Mac) / ctrl + s (Windows)
- Connect a device or simulator and run:
flutter run (terminal)
Invoke Run > Start Debugging or press F5. (Visual Studio Code)
- If you want to run the tests run:
flutter tests
This app uses the Bloc pattern for the architecture, BLoC stands for Business Logic Component
Bloc needs to:
- be moved to one or several BLoCs,
- be removed as much as possible from the Presentation Layer. - In other words, UI components should only worry about the UI things and not about the business,
- rely on exclusive use of Streams for both input (Sink) and output (stream),
- remain platform independent,
- remain environment independent.
- A streams provides a way to receive a sequence of events
Using Bloc allows me to split the view from the business logic and update the streams that are related with some triggered event.
1. flutter_bloc - package link
It's a state management that helps implement the BLoC design pattern.
Simple: At a glance, it could be verbose and sometimes confused but It'is very easy to understand and use.
Powerful: You could split the code into multiple widgets to make it deeply readable and I have the total app control (events, states and transitions).
Testable: Everything can be easily tested.
2. Equatable - package link
It's an abstract class that helps to implement equality without needing to explicitly override == and hashCode.
flutter bloc recommends to use it for comparing objects.
It's very handy when you're going to test bloc props.
3. Logger - package link
This package only prints beautiful logs, but It can be very useful for watching Bloc logs
- flutter bloc will show you the transitions between states and events in the console, so, it's very useful to see the logs like this:
4. http - package link
This package makes easy to consume HTTP resources
- The publisher is so, It will probably always be updated to the latest flutter version.
- Easy to test.
- Easy to use.
5. Mocktail - package link
It's a very simple way to create mocks in the test files.
- Easy to use with repositories and http request.
- Works great with flutter bloc
6. Bloc test - package link
This package works with flutter bloc and Mocktail
- Easy to test flutter bloc states
- It can create Bloc mocks
7. hydrated_bloc - package link
This package persists the data in the storage and restores bloc states
- Easy to setup with bloc
- I can create a mock for testing in blocTests
8. alice - package link
This package helps to debbug the http requeset within an interface
- Easy to setup to http or or dio package
- Really useful to debug all the http request and responses