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UseR2019: Bridging R and NetLogo with nlrx

The best R package for running NetLogo simulation

Presentation Slides


From the previous blog, you might have noticed the rationale of using high performance computing (HPC), and how fast it is to obtain results compared to our local machines. Having installed all the software requirements on the HPC, today's post is to simulate a NetLogo model of my Ph.D work in R using an nlrx package(

nlrx has promoted its uniqueness for adopting .XML to excecute files that contain various conditions (i.e. runtime, variables, constants, stop conditions), as well as reporting results framed as a BehaviorSpace format. As a passionate NetLogo user, I have to give both thumbs up to this package (psst..! and removed other NetLogo packages). Here are the reasons.

Easy and intuitive codes

nlrx introduces codes that are catchy and intuitive. Here is a brief example of my model on Windows. If you want a model embedded in the NetLogo library, please refer to the nlrx website. Prior to loading your model, you have to follow 3 steps: 1) install package(we will skip that), 2) setup, 3) assign variables and conditions, and 4) Plots and animation.

Setup in R

After the installation, your job is to assign your paths correctly. You will need to assign paths for Java, NetLogo, model files, and simulation output. In my case, I wrote the absolute paths to avoid error since softwares and the model are saved in different directories. I use NetLogo 6.0.4, but anyone who is using a different version can modify the version name.

# Java setup
Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME='C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_202/jre') # Windows
Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME= "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_212.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/") # MacOSX
Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME= "/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64") # ubuntu
Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME='/usr/local/software/spack/spack-0.11.2/opt/spack/linux-rhel7-x86_64/gcc-5.4.0/jdk-8u141-b15-p4aaoptkqukgdix6dh5ey236kllhluvr/jre') #Ubuntu cluster

# Assign Path
netlogopath <- file.path("C:/Program Files/NetLogo 6.0.4")
outpath <- file.path("d:/out")
# Create nl variable
nl <- nl(nlversion = "6.0.4",
         nlpath = netlogopath,
         modelpath = file.path("D:/github/jasss/Gangnam_v6.nlogo"),
         jvmmem = 1024)

Create experiment

Now the experiment is where the central function has to be properly defined. That is, you will need to decide everything that you've set in your model. Here is a list of questions:

  • expname: What is the name of your experiment?
  • outpath: What is the name of your output path?
  • repetition: How many repetitions you want to run?
  • tickmetrics: Would you like to activate ticks?
  • idsetup: Setup button of your model
  • idgo: Go button of your model
  • runtime: How many ticks to run (in your model)? e.g. 8764
  • evalticks: Specifying ticks to report. I wanted to capture agent's personal info in every 100 ticks.
  • constants: What is your fixed parameters. pollution standard, pollution scenario (make sure you put your strings inside the backslash!)
  • variables: list of changable parameters. I used factoral variables
  • metrics.turtles: turtles and their attributes
  • metrics.patches: patches and their attributes
  • stopcond: When you need stop conditions

Once every parameter are written, you can test if the model is valid to run the simulation. The package uses eval_variables_constants(nl), and the command will return wheter it is valid or not. Then, we give a simple design simdesign_simple() where constants are used. Finally, with the run_nl_all() command, the model will execute and assign it in the R global environment as result. A kind note is that the result variable is a nested data frame which is heavy and needs to be unnested.

nl@experiment <- experiment(expname = "seoul",
                            outpath = outpath,
                            repetition = 1,   
                            tickmetrics = "true",
                            idsetup = "setup",  
                            idgo = "go",        
                            runtime = 8764,
                            evalticks=seq(1,8764, by = 100),
                            constants = list("PM10-parameters" = 100,
                                             "Scenario" = "\"BAU\"", # Business-as-usual Pollution scenario that repeats the oscilation of existing data
                                             "scenario-percent" = "\"inc-sce\"",
                                             'AC' = 100),
                            #variables = list('AC' = list(values=c(100,150,200))),
                            metrics.turtles =  list("turtles" = c("xcor", "ycor", "color", "heading", "who", 
                                                 "homename", "destinationName", "age", "health")),
                            metrics.patches = c("pxcor", "pycor", "pcolor"))

# Evaluate if variables and constants are valid:
nl@simdesign <- simdesign_simple(nl = nl, nseeds = 1)
# Run Simulation
init <- Sys.time()
results <- run_nl_all(nl = nl)
Sys.time() - init

In short, I think that the developers have made the commands concise and understandable to users in any level.

File size

Another part, which might seem less important but is actually not, is the file size. On the previous section, I mentioned that it runs on a XML file and the results is given as a nested data frame. Surprisingly, the .RData of my simulation result is only 24MB although I have to acknowledge that it took more than 10GB of your memory during the process. Thus if any of you are running NetLogo on Windows, then the first thing you need to do is to increase your virtual memory memory.limit(size = 99999). If you are using Linux or Mac, I really wish you have a good storage of RAM with a generously allocated swap space to run expensive models.

Compared to nlrx, RNetLogo has a while command that records your global variables as a data frame. It used to be good, but they had problems to assigning string variables , which made the user convert it in NetLogo and comback to R for implementation. Moreover, RNetLogo's .RData was more than a 100MB for a single iteration which is okay for a local machine, but might be quite excessive if you are working with peers on a version control.


Unnest ABM output

# Attach results to nl object:
setsim(nl, "simoutput") <- results

# Report spatial data:
results_unnest <- unnest_simoutput(nl)

Split tibble into agents and patch tibbles

(filter individuals whose health are under 100)

## Load packages

turtles <- results_unnest %>%
               select(`[step]`, Scenario, xcor, ycor, age, agent, health) %>% 
               filter(agent == "turtles", 
                      Scenario == "BAU", 
                      ycor < 324 & xcor < 294 & xcor > 0,
                      health <= 100) %>% 
               filter(`[step]` %in% seq(5000,8764))

patches <- results_unnest %>% select(`[step]`, Scenario, pxcor, pycor, pcolor) %>% 
            filter(Scenario == "BAU", pycor < 324 , `[step]` %in% seq(5181,8701,10))

# Create facet plot:
ggplot() +
  facet_wrap(~`[step]`, ncol= 10) +
  coord_equal() +
  geom_tile(data=patches, aes(x=pxcor, y=pycor, fill=pcolor), alpha = .2) +
  geom_point(data=turtles, aes(x = xcor, y = ycor, color = age), size=1, show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "grey20") +
  scale_color_manual(breaks=c("young", "active", "old"), 
                     values = c("young" = "#56B4E9", "active" = "#E69F00", "old" = "#999999")) +
  guides(fill=guide_legend(title="PM10")) +
  ggtitle("Unhealthly Population after a long-term exposure") +
  theme_minimal() +


How many agents are unwell?

turtles %>% 
  group_by(`[step]`, age) %>% 
  tally() %>% 
  print(n = length(turtles$age)) %>% 
  reshape2::dcast(`[step]` ~ age) -> turtle.stat

turtle.stat$total <- rowSums(turtle.stat[,c(2:4)], na.rm = T)
[step] active old young total
5201 NA 3 1 4
5301 NA 21 9 30
5401 NA 49 26 75
5501 NA 49 27 76
5601 NA 47 24 71
5701 NA 48 25 73
5801 NA 45 25 70
5901 NA 52 27 79
6001 NA 49 27 76
6101 NA 51 27 78
6201 NA 49 27 76
6301 NA 39 25 64
6401 NA 37 25 62
6501 NA 50 27 77
6601 NA 51 27 78
6701 NA 51 27 78
6801 3 46 23 72
6901 10 43 21 74
7001 14 43 20 77
7101 7 42 19 68
7201 11 34 18 63
7301 46 39 20 105
7401 61 34 19 114
7501 65 38 28 131
7601 65 43 57 165
7701 65 45 69 179
7801 63 41 37 141
7901 56 36 25 117
8001 53 41 35 129
8101 61 42 51 154
8201 65 51 97 213
8301 65 51 97 213
8401 61 50 91 202
8501 55 47 78 180
8601 45 38 63 146
8701 47 39 64 150
#Density map
turtles_density <- results_unnest %>% 
  select(`[step]`, Scenario, xcor, ycor, age, agent, health) %>% 
  filter(agent == "turtles", Scenario == "BAU", ycor < 324 & xcor < 294 & xcor > 0) %>% 
  filter(`[step]` %in% seq(1,8764))

turtles_density$health[turtles_density$health <= 0] <- 0

turtles_density %>% 
  filter() %>%
  ggplot(aes(health, fill = age)) + 
  geom_density(aes(y = ..count..), alpha = 0.25) +
  theme_bw(`[step]` == 8701) +
  theme(legend.title = element_text(size=20, face="bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size=15),
        legend.position = c(0.2, 0.8),


Animation files

p1 <- ggplot() +
  geom_tile(data=patches, aes(x=pxcor, y=pycor, fill=factor(pcolor))) +
  geom_point(data=turtles, aes(x = pxcor, y = pycor, group=who, color = breed), size=2) +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "grey20") +
  scale_color_manual(breaks=c("young", "active", "old"), 
                     values = c("young" = "#56B4E9", "active" = "#E69F00", "old" = "#999999")) +
  guides(fill=guide_legend(title="PM10")) +
  transition_time(`[step]`) +
  coord_equal() +
  labs(title = 'Step: {frame_time}') +

# Animate the plot and use 1 frame for each step of the model simulations
gganimate::animate(p1, nframes = length(unique(patches$`[step]`)), width=400, height=400, fps=4)

Linear and Boxplots

Codes are not yet reproducible (apologies)!

b100 <- plotbl100 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(plotbb100), xmin = 4000, xmax = 7500, ymin = 20, ymax = 60)
b150 <- plotbl150 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(plotbb150), xmin = 4000, xmax = 7500, ymin = 20, ymax = 60)
b200 <- plotbl200 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(plotbb200), xmin = 4000, xmax = 7500, ymin = 20, ymax = 60)

i100 <- plotil100 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(plotib100), xmin = 4000, xmax = 7500, ymin = 20, ymax = 60)
i150 <- plotil150 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(plotib150), xmin = 4000, xmax = 7500, ymin = 20, ymax = 60)
i200 <- plotil200 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(plotib200), xmin = 4000, xmax = 7500, ymin = 20, ymax = 60)

d100 <- plotdl100 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(plotdb100), xmin = 4000, xmax = 7500, ymin = 20, ymax = 60)
d150 <- plotdl150 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(plotdb150), xmin = 4000, xmax = 7500, ymin = 20, ymax = 60)
d200 <- plotdl200 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(plotdb200), xmin = 4000, xmax = 7500, ymin = 20, ymax = 60)

plot_grid(b100, b150, b200, labels = c("A", "B", "C"), ncol = 3, align = "h")
plot_grid(i100, i150, i200, labels = c("D", "E", "F"), ncol = 3, align = "h")
plot_grid(d100, d150, d200, labels = c("G", "H", "I"), ncol = 3, align = "h")
