A node.js STOMP client. Props goes to Russell Haering for doing the initial legwork.
The following enhancements have been added:
- Unit tests
- Ability to support different protocol versions (1.0 or 1.1) - more work needed
- Inbound frame validation (required / regex'able header values)
- Support for UNSUBSCRIBE frames in client
- Ability to add custom headers to SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE frames
npm install stomp-client
var Client = require('stomp-client').StompClient;
var destination = '/queue/someQueueName';
var client = new Client('', 2098, 'user', 'pass', '1.0');
client.connect(function(sessionId) {
client.subscribe(destination, function(body, headers) {
console.log('This is the body of a message on the subscribed queue:', body);
client.publish(destination, 'Oh herrow');
The client comes in two forms, a standard or secure client. The example below is using the standard client. To use the secure client simply change StompClient to SecureStompClient.