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EmileRolley edited this page Oct 26, 2022 · 2 revisions

Mosaic mécanisme

Some questions are grouped in an artifical questions, called mosaic questions (mosaïques), not present in

In nosgestesclimat-site, we added a feature to answers multiple "classic" questions in once. It is very usefull to avoid answering dozens questions like "Do you have a laptop ? Do you have a smartphone ? Do you have a camera ?". Instead, it is asked "What equipments do you have ?". However, the model compile and is understandable without this feature.

What does it look like on model side ?

An attribute mosaique can be set. It includes multiple arguments:

  • type: selection or number, for boolean questions or numbered question
  • clé: key that corresponds to the rules we want to be in the mosaic
  • suggestions: as classic questions, some suggestions can be set.
  • total: only for numbered mosaics, to display message according the the total the user selection (ex: diet question)
    question: Cochez ce qui vous correspond
        type: selection
        clé: présent
                café . nombre: oui
                thé . nombre: oui
            aucun: aucun
            - b
            - c

a . b:
    applicable si: présent
    formule: 1

a . b . présent:
    par défaut: oui

a . c:
    applicable si: présent
    formule: d

a . c . présent:
    par défaut: non

a . c . d:
    formule: 100

Note: children mosaic rules have to be of degree 2. In the example above, the rule a . c . e . présent would not be in the mosaic.

Workarounds on site side

In Conversation.tsx and RuleInput.tsx, specific treatment is given to mosaic question with the function getRelatedMosaicInfosIfExists.