This is a TPCDS data generator for Apache Spark, which is split off from spark-sql-perf and includes pre-built tpcds-kit for Mac/Linux x86_64 platforms. To check TPCDS performance regression, the benchmark results (sf=20) for the current Spark master is daily tracked in the Google Spreadsheet (performance charts).
Note that the current master
branch intends to support 3.1.1 on Scala 2.12.x. If you want to generate TPCDS data in Spark 3.0.x, please use branch-3.0.
You can generate TPCDS data in /tmp/spark-tpcds-data
# You need to set `SPARK_HOME` to your Spark v3.0.1 path before running a command below
$ ./bin/dsdgen --output-location /tmp/spark-tpcds-data
If you run TPCDS quries on the master branch of Spark, you say a sequence of commands below:
$ git clone
$ cd spark && ./build/mvn clean package -DskipTests
$ ./bin/spark-submit \
--class org.apache.spark.sql.execution.benchmark.TPCDSQueryBenchmark \
--jars ${SPARK_HOME}/core/target/spark-core_<scala.version>-<spark.version>-tests.jar,${SPARK_HOME}/sql/catalyst/target/spark-catalyst_<scala.version>-<spark.version>-tests.jar \
${SPARK_HOME}/sql/core/target/spark-sql_<scala.version>-<spark.version>-tests.jar \
--data-location /tmp/spark-tpcds-data
$ ./bin/dsdgen --help
Usage: spark-submit --class <this class> --conf key=value <spark tpcds datagen jar> [Options]
--output-location [STR] Path to an output location
--scale-factor [NUM] Scale factor (default: 1)
--format [STR] Output format (default: parquet)
--overwrite Whether it overwrites existing data (default: false)
--partition-tables Whether it partitions output data (default: false)
--use-double-for-decimal Whether it prefers double types instead of decimal types (default: false)
--use-string-for-char Whether it prefers string types instead of char/varchar types (default: false)
--cluster-by-partition-columns Whether it cluster output data by partition columns (default: false)
--filter-out-null-partition-values Whether it filters out NULL partitions (default: false)
--table-filter [STR] Queries to filter, e.g., catalog_sales,store_sales
--num-partitions [NUM] # of partitions (default: 100)
To run a part of TPCDS queries, you type:
$ ./bin/run-tpcds-benchmark --data-location [TPCDS data] --query-filter "q2,q5"
To quickly generate the TPCDS data and run the queries, you just type:
$ ./bin/report-tpcds-benchmark [TPCDS data] [output file]
This script finally formats performance results and appends them into ./reports/tpcds-avg-results.csv.
Notice that, if SPARK_HOME
defined, the script uses the Spark.
Otherwise, it automatically clones the latest master in the repository and uses it.
To check performance differences with pull requests, you could set a pull request ID in the repository as an option
and run the quries against it.
$ ./bin/report-tpcds-benchmark [TPCDS data] [output file] [pull request ID (e.g., 12942)]
If you hit some bugs and requests, please leave some comments on Issues or Twitter(@maropu).