- Overview
- Working Flowchart
- Components
- Wiring
- example code.
- Data export
- Interact with thingspeak and Thingspeak feature
- Other feature
- What other people have done?
- This project interact the particle with thingspeak.
- Particle electron module will retrieve data from weather shield via I2C bus
- In the front end, Thingspeak will receive the data from weather shield and from OpenWeathermap Database
- User will view the most accurate data averaging from all channel.
- Public Thingspeak channel can be view Here
- front end of project overview(refer to picture)
- Particle electron(0.7.0 firmware version)
- Weather Meters(sparkfun)
- SparkFun Weather Shield
- Arduino uno
- plug the 2 wire that control the windspeed and rain sensor to the weather shield
- additionaly
SDA(arduino) -> SDA(electron-pinD0)
SCL(arduino) -> SCL(electron-pinD1)
- create an account
- create a channel
- go to channel setting
- create more field(a channel- data get send from your device to thingspeak)
- In my sketch, I use field 4,5,6 for example.
- note: make sure your field number match with field number on thingspeak.
- access to
() for more example code .
- example of matlab code that graph 2 field with filled area
- this app allow you to run a program
- retrieve data using matlab given a period of time
- retrieve data from field.
- example show a matlab program that calculate and display avaerage humidity
- this app work withmatlab analysis you can schedule thingspeak to run a matlab script
- In the example, I show a matlab script that trigger an API provide by ifttt to send you an email when a value reach certain threshold. You can make it send you a phone message to.
- Thingspeak allow you to export your data from fields to diffrence format(JSON,XML,CSV)
- simply click "Public view" or "Private view" then click on "Data Export"
- Google firebase .
- store data retrieve from sensor to Google fire Firebase
- to retrieve data from firebase with programming language
- firebase lib for python