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Important Docker Commands Ordered by
- Compute (Services),
- Network,
- Storage
and then by
- Docker CLI,
- Dockerfile,
- Compose, and
- Swarm
An explaining blog post can be foud here:
An updating blog post can be foud here:
create & run:
docker run -itd -p 3000:3000 -v /source/path/on/host:/destination/path/in/container --name <ctr_name> <img_name>
- Description: Interactive container not attached to the current shell with port to host mapping and a host bind volume
- Optional:
- Check results:
docker inspect <ctr_name>
- Check results:
"ssh"/bash into:
docker exec -it <ctr_name> /bin/bash
Description: Connect to a running container with a new shell
docker attach <ctr_name>
( more on Stackoverflow )Attach isn't for running an extra thing in a container, it's for attaching to the running process.
start | stop:
docker start|restart|stop <ctr_name>
docker rename <ctr_name> <new_name>
docker ps [-a]
list formatted:
docker ps -a --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Ports}}"
get runnings processes:
docker top <ctr_name>
get logs:
docker logs <ctr_name>
docker rm [-vf] <ctr_name>
get long id:
docker ps -a --no-trunc
FROM <img_name>:<tag_name>
ARG <port_env_var>
ENV NODE_ENV ${<nodejs_env>}
RUN <some_bash_cmd> \
&& <another_bash_cmd>
COPY <file_name> /destination/path/in/container
VOLUME /source/path/on/host:/destination/path/in/container
EXPOSE ${<port_env_var>} # only exposed by container, but not yet mapped to the docker host
USER <user_name> # set permisions accordingly (before) ... if not specified: root
WORKDIR <dir_name>
CMD <main_bash_cmd> # or ENTRYPOINT command (not overwritable) for external scripts
cd .
docker build -t <image_name> .
list all images:
docker images [-a]
docker rmi <img_name>
delete dangling images in docker ps (listed as "none"):
docker rmi $(docker images --quiet --filter "dangling=true")
- Alternative:
docker images -qf dangling=true | xargs docker rmi
// untested yet, but always without error even if no dangling images exist
- Alternative:
Environment Variables
: see on Stackoverflow
version: "3"
context: ./path/to/dir
- <port>
image: <reg_tag>/<img_name>:<img_tag>
- <net_name>
- "${<port_env_var>}:${<port_env_var>}" # port to host mapping
- NODE_ENV=<nodejs_env>
- PORT_ENV_VAR="${<port_env_var>}"
- /source/path/on/host:/destination/path/in/container # host bind
- no-new-privileges
<net_name>: # custom network created before
external: true
<vol_name>: # named volume created before
external: true
test config:
docker-compose config
docker-compose build
push to registry:
docker-compose push # as specified above by <reg_tag>
create & start in one:
docker-compose up
start | stop:
docker-compose start|restart|stop <project_name>
kill | delete:
docker-compose kill|rm <project_name>
set multiple compose files manually as
:export COMPOSE_FILE="/path/to/docker-stack.yml:/path/to/docker-stack.dev.yml"
( more here )
deploy stack:
docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.yml <stack_name> # e.g. ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}
- before do:
docker-compose build
anddocker-compose push
- before do:
use multiple compose or stack files for deploy:
- optional (if stored as variable):
echo "${ces_docker_stack_files}" # /path/to/docker-stack.yml -c /path/to/docker-stack.dev.yml
docker stack deploy -c $(echo "${ces_docker_stack_files}") ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME} --with-registry-auth
- optional (if stored as variable):
version: "3"
mode: replicated # or 'global' for one on each docker swarm host
replicas: <amount>
condition: <condition>
max_attempts: <amount>
delay: <amount>s
limits: # hard limit
cpus: '<cpu_share>'
memory: <amount>M
reservations: # soft limit
cpus: '<cpu_share>'
memory: <amount>M
list all stacks:
docker stack ls
list tasks of stack:
docker stack ps <stack_name>
list tasks of stack:
docker stack ps "${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}"
list services of stack:
docker stack services <stack_name>
show logs of a stack service:
docker service logs <service_name>
docker stack rm <stack_name>
list networks:
docker network ls
get info for default container network "bridge":
docker network inspect bridge
get docker host ip:
docker-machine ip <host_name>
create custom bridge network:
docker network create --driver bridge <network_name>
- Optional:
- specify a subnet (to avoid overlap with other networks!):
<...> --subnet= <...>
- specify which ip's to take:
<...> --ip-range= <...>
- specify as internal:
- specify a subnet (to avoid overlap with other networks!):
- connect container to it:
- in
command (only one network allowed):docker run <...> --net=<network_name> <...>
- connect existing container:
docker network connect <network_name> <container_name>
- give container a static ip:
<...> --ip= <...>
- in
- Optional:
delete custom network:
docker network rm <network_name>
get container ip:
docker ps
// get id
docker network inspect <network_name>
// check ip of this id- Alternative:
docker inspect <container_name>
- Alternative:
map exposed container port to docker host:
docker run <...> -p 8529:8529 <...>
EXPOSE 3000 # only exposed by container, but not yet mapped to the docker host
version: "3"
<net_name>: # custom network created before
external: true
specify ip or eth settings for swarm cluster:
- Advertised address to swarm members for API access and overlay networking:
docker swarm init --advertise-addr <addr> <...>
- Listening address for inbound swarm manager traffic:
docker swarm init --listen-addr <addr> <...>
- Advertised address to swarm members for API access and overlay networking:
create custom overlay network (encrypted):
docker network create --opt encrypted --driver overlay <network_name>
create overlay network:
docker network create --driver overlay --subnet=<ip_range> --gateway=<ip_address> <net_name>
- Optional:
for allowing unmanaged (non-swarm) containers and--opt encrypted
for encryption
- Optional:
list volumes:
docker volume ls
details volumes:
docker volume inspect
create (named) volume (available only on this docker host):
docker volume create --name <volume_name>
Edit (on docker host) a containter file (e.g. .conf) of a stopped | not starting containter:
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32750748/how-to-edit-files-in-stopped-not-starting-docker-container
docker-machine ssh <host_name>
sudo -i
cd /mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/<longContainerId>/path/to/file
vi <file_name>
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32750748/how-to-edit-files-in-stopped-not-starting-docker-container
copy from docker host into container:
docker cp /source/path/on/host <container_name>:/destination/path/in/container
delete (named) volume:
docker volume rm <volume_name>
map volumes (from host to container:
docker run <...> -v /source/path/on/host:/destination/path/in/container <...>
volume deletion (via
indocker run
, not for named volumes) needs to be excplit on container deletion via-v
:docker rm -v <container_name>
delete all exited containers including their volumes:
docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)
delete the unwanted / left overs:
- README first: https://dzone.com/articles/docker-clean-after-yourself
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/docker:/var/lib/docker --rm martin/docker-cleanup-volumes
- README first: https://dzone.com/articles/docker-clean-after-yourself
VOLUME /source/path/on/host:/destination/path/in/container
version: "3"
<vol_name>: # named volume created before
external: true
Keep in mind that regular volumes (see above) are always local to that host only (so a container needing that volume can only correctly start on thist host).
create cluster aware storage resources, e.g. via
(with volumes available on multiple hosts):
https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/#create-a-service-which-creates-an-nfs-volume https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/volume_create/#driver-specific-options -
create cluster aware storage resources, e.g, via
(with also data resources themselves replicated among multiple hosts):
- create secret:
docker secret create <sec_name> /path/to/<sec_file>
- remove secret:
docker secret rm <sec_name>
- more here and here ... and same for configs
- start | stop:
docker-machine start|stop <host_name>
- ssh into:
docker-machine ssh <host_name>
- send one ssh command:
docker-machine ssh <host_name> '<command> <params> <...>
- adjust time drift:
docker-machine ssh <host_name> 'sudo ntpclient -s -h pool.ntp.org
- only neccessary in a docker toolbox vm on virtualbox
- connect to remote docker daemon from a local shell:
export DOCKER_HOST="ssh://<user>@<ip>"
- login to registry:
echo "${token}"| docker login registry.example.com --username "${user}" --password-stdin
- logout from registry:
docker logout registry.example.com
- use nginx as ingress (like e.g. traefik): https://stackoverflow.com/a/46911640/6092191
- get end user's client ip: https://dockerswarm.rocks/traefik/#getting-the-client-ip
- listen to events:
docker events
- get help:
docker-machine <command_name> --help
- get env vars:
docker-machine env <host_name>
- get help:
docker <command_name> --help
Reference documentation: https://docs.docker.com/reference/