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DAILP Ingest

DAILP Ingest is a tool that reads Cherokee data from a set of spreadsheets and makes HTTP calls to upload those data to an Online Linguistic Database (OLD) instance.


Clone the source from GitHub:

$ git clone

Using Leiningen, create the standalone .jar file:

$ lein uberjar

Note: you must have Leiningen and Clojure installed.


To ingest the data from the DAILP Google Sheet sources to a specific OLD instance, supply a valid OLD instance's URL, username and password:

$ java -jar target/uberjar/dailp-ingest-clj-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar \ \
  someusername \

For example, if you are running a local OLD instance using the DativeBase Docker Compose deployment method, then the following will probably work:

$ java -jar target/uberjar/dailp-ingest-clj-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar \ \
  admin \

Alternatively, use lein run:

$ lein run \ \
  someusername \

Note: this ingest script requires that you have read access to the Google Sheet files listed below.

Ingestion Plan

  1. Functional morphemes:
    1. Tags (DONE):"
    2. Orthographic Inventories (DONE):
    3. Syntactic Categories (DONE):"
    4. Prepronominal Prefixes (DONE):
    5. Pronominal Prefixes (DONE):
    6. Modal Suffixes (DONE):
    7. Aspectual Suffixes (DONE):
  2. Verbs (roots and inflected forms) (1/2 DONE):
    1. DF1975 (DONE):
    2. DF2003 (DONE):

Useful links



  1. Syntactic categories for Verb roots and inflected forms.

    1. Should all of the verb roots have category "V"? Or should transitivity information be used to determine a transitivity-based category, e.g., "VT", "VTA", etc.?
    2. What syntactic category do we want the inflected verb forms to have? I have been giving them "S". We could give them "VP" or some such thing ...
  2. Sources. What should the Sources be for DF 1975 and DF 2003? The best thing would be for me to create a Google Sheet for DAILP sources and automate the ingest of it. The ingest script will then have to be modified to document the correct source for each form ingested.

  3. Do the "surface form" values of the DF1975--Master spreadsheet need to be modified in any way?

  4. DF1975-Master Questions.

    1. Row 1881 has a root line that only has values for "Transitivity" "I" and "UDB Class" "4a.i.irr.". I have been taking this to mean that there is a verb root with shape "hno:" that is the intransitive counterpart of transitive "tell". I have been adding a new OLD form for this intransitive verb root. Is this correct?
      • Note: There appear to be 4 rows with only a "Transitivity" value as described just above, 3 with "I", and one with "T".
    2. There are about 100 forms lacking translations. To find them, search in the OLD for translations with the following transcription value: "FIXME TRANSLATION NEEDED".
    3. There are a handful of forms lacking valid morpheme gloss values. In some (9) cases a default value of "FIXME.MORPHEME.GLOSS.NEEDED" was used. Search for this value to find them. In a handful of cases, a value was constructed using the first translation value. Here are those constructed values:
      • "scatter.(intransitive)"
      • "pour.into.a.container,.fill.up"
      • "(sun.or.moon).shine,.be.sunny"
      • "(the.ground).become.frosty"
      • "thunder"
  5. Tags for Affix Allomorphs.

    1. Allomorph 4 of "Reflexive & Middle Pronominal Prefixes". What tag should be used for these? I am using the "pp-pre-v" tag. Is this correct?
    2. Allomorph 4 of "Modal Suffixes". What tag should be used for these? I am using the "mod-pre-v" tag. Is this correct?
  6. Morpheme break transcription conventions mismatch. I notice that different transcription conventions are being used for the morpheme break line of morphemes and the same line of inflected verb forms. For example, this (DF2003) inflected verb:

    transcription  ᎯᏕᎸᎢ
    morpheme break /hi:-t-e:!l-v:'i/
    morpheme gloss 2SG>AN-give.LG-PFT-FUT.IMP
    translations   Give it (LG) to him later!

    Presumably contains this 2SG>AN morpheme:

    transcription  hii
    morpheme break /hii/
    morpheme gloss 2SG>AN
    translations   Set A 2SG AN Pronominal Prefix

    However, observer that the colon is being used to signify length in the former (hi:) while double vowels are being used in the latter (hii).

    Similarly, the DF2003 morpheme break values are using the glottal stop Unicode character while the aspectual suffixes morpheme break values are using the apostrophe.

    We should probably enforce some consistency here, especially in anticipation of parser development. Guidance on which forms to modify?


Copyright © 2019 Joel Dunham

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at