This is a MATLAB source code of the enhanced equidistribution, which guarantees that the generated random sequence follows the theoretical uniform distribution. The figure below depicts the histograms of random numbers drawn from the standard uniform distribution, equidistribution, and enhanced equidistribution, respectively. It can be observed that the enhanced equidistribution assembled the theoretical uniform distribution better than other two methods.
Executing test_Equi_EnEqui.m in MATLAB environment to view the result presented above. equidistribution.m is the source code of equidistribution, and enhanced_equidistribution.m is the source of enhanced equidistribution.
In any publication related to the use of the source code, you are kindly requested to cite the following references:
- D. Ngo and B. Kang, "A New Data Preparation Methodology in Machine Learning-based Haze Removal Algorithms," in the proceeding of 2019 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), Auckland, New Zealand, 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.23919/ELINFOCOM.2019.8706413.
- D. Ngo and B. Kang, "Improving Performance of Machine Learning-based Haze Removal Algorithms with Enhanced Training Database," in Journal of IKEEE, vol.22, no.4, pp.948-952, 2018, doi: 10.7471/ikeee.2018.22.4.948.