ppm.c - OpenLDAP password policy module
version 1.6
ppm.c is an OpenLDAP module for checking password quality when they are modified. Passwords are checked against the presence or absence of certain character classes.
This module is used as an extension of the OpenLDAP password policy controls, see slapo-ppolicy(5) section pwdCheckModule.
- 2014 - 2017 - David Coutadeur david.coutadeur@gmail.com - maintainer
- 2015 - Daly Chikhaoui - Janua dchikhaoui@janua.fr - contribution on RDN checks
- 2017 - tdb - Tim Bishop - contribution on some compilation improvements
See INSTALL file
See INSTALL file
4 character classes are defined by default: upper case, lower case, digits and special characters.
more character classes can be defined, just write your own.
passwords must match the amount of quality points. A point is validated when at least m characters of the corresponding character class are present in the password.
passwords must have at least n of the corresponding character class present, else they are rejected.
the two previous criterias are checked against any specific character class defined.
if a password contains any of the forbidden characters, then it is rejected.
if a password contains tokens from the RDN, then it is rejected.
if a password is too long, it can be rejected.
if a password does not pass cracklib check, it can be rejected.
The configuration file (/etc/openldap/ppm.conf by default) contains parameters for the module. The PPM_CONFIG_FILE environment variable, if defined, overloads the configuration file path. If the file is not found, parameters are given their default value.
The syntax of the file is : parameter value [min] [minForPoint]
with spaces being delimiters. Parameter names ARE case sensitive
The default configuration file is the following:
# minQuality parameter
# Format:
# minQuality [NUMBER]
# Description:
# One point is granted for each class for which MIN_FOR_POINT criteria is fulfilled.
# defines the minimum point numbers for the password to be accepted.
minQuality 3
# maxLength parameter
# Format:
# maxLength [NUMBER]
# Description:
# The password must not be more than [NUMBER] long. 0 means no limit is set.
maxLength 0
# checkRDN parameter
# Format:
# checkRDN [0 | 1]
# Description:
# If set to 1, password must not contain a token from the RDN.
# Tokens are separated by the following delimiters : space tabulation _ - , ; £
checkRDN 0
# forbiddenChars parameter
# Format:
# Description:
# Defines the forbidden characters list (no separator).
# If one of them is found in the password, then it is rejected.
# maxConsecutivePerClass parameter
# Format:
# maxConsecutivePerClass [NUMBER]
# Description:
# Defines the maximum number of consecutive character allowed for any class
maxConsecutivePerClass 0
# useCracklib parameter
# Format:
# useCracklib [0 | 1]
# Description:
# If set to 1, the password must pass the cracklib check
useCracklib 0
# cracklibDict parameter
# Format:
# cracklibDict [path_to_cracklib_dictionnary]
# Description:
# directory+filename-prefix that your version of CrackLib will go hunting for
# For example, /var/pw_dict resolves as /var/pw_dict.pwd,
# /var/pw_dict.pwi and /var/pw_dict.hwm dictionnary files
cracklibDict /var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict
# classes parameter
# Format:
# Description:
# [CHARACTERS_DEFINING_CLASS]: characters defining the class (no separator)
# [MIN]: If at least [MIN] characters of this class is not found in the password, then it is rejected
# [MIN_FOR_POINT]: one point is granted if password contains at least [MIN_FOR_POINT] character numbers of this class
class-lowerCase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 1
class-digit 0123456789 0 1
class-special <>,?;.:/!§ù%*µ^¨$£²&é~"#'{([-|è`_\ç^à@)]°=}+ 0 1
With this policy:
minQuality 4
forbiddenChars .?,
maxLength 0
checkRDN 1
class-lowerCase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 12
class-digit 0123456789 0 1
class-special <>,?;.:/!§ù%*µ^¨$£²&é~"#'{([-|è`_\ç^à@)]°=}+ 0 1
class-myClass :) 1 1``
the password
is working, because,
- it has 4 character classes validated : upper, lower, special, and myClass
- it has no character among .?,
- it has at least one character among : or )
- there is no size constraint (maxLength of 0)
but it won't work for the user uid=John Cowlevel,ou=people,cn=example,cn=com, because the token "Cowlevel" from his RDN exists in the password (case insensitive).
If a user password is rejected by ppm, the user will get this type of message:
Typical user message from ldappasswd(5): Result: Constraint violation (19) Additional info: Password for dn="%s" does not pass required number of strength checks (2 of 3)
A more detailed message is written to the server log.
Server log:
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Opening file /etc/openldap/ppm.conf
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Param = minQuality, value = 3, min = (null), minForPoint= (null)
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Accepted replaced value: 3
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Param = forbiddenChars, value = , min = (null), minForPoint= (null)
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Accepted replaced value:
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Param = class-upperCase, value = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, min = 0, minForPoint= 5
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Accepted replaced value: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Param = class-lowerCase, value = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, min = 0, minForPoint= 12
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Accepted replaced value: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Param = class-digit, value = 0123456789, min = 0, minForPoint= 1
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Accepted replaced value: 0123456789
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Param = class-special, value = <>,?;.:/!§ù%*µ^¨$£²&é~"#'{([-|è`_\ç^à @)]°=}+, min = 0, minForPoint= 1
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Accepted replaced value: <>,?;.:/!§ù%*µ^¨$£²&é~"#'{([-|è`_\ç^à @)]°=}+
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Param = class-myClass, value = :), min = 1, minForPoint= 1
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: Accepted new value:
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: 1 point granted for class class-upperCase
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: 1 point granted for class class-lowerCase
Jul 27 20:09:14 machine slapd[20270]: ppm: 1 point granted for class class-digit
There is a unit test script: "unit_tests.sh" that illustrates checking some passwords. It is possible to test one particular password using directly the test program:
cd /usr/local/openldap/lib64
PPM_CONFIG_FILE=/usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/ppm.conf LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./ppm_test "my_password" && echo OK
- integrate configuration file into cn=config
- 2017-05-19 David Coutadeur david.coutadeur@gmail.com Adds cracklib support Readme adaptations and cleaning Version 1.6
- 2017-02-07 David Coutadeur david.coutadeur@gmail.com Adds maxConsecutivePerClass (idea from Trevor Vaughan / tvaughan@onyxpoint.com) Version 1.5
- 2016-08-22 David Coutadeur david.coutadeur@gmail.com Get config file from environment variable Version 1.4
- 2014-12-20 Daly Chikhaoui dchikhaoui@janua.fr Adding checkRDN parameter Version 1.3
- 2014-10-28 David Coutadeur david.coutadeur@gmail.com Adding maxLength parameter Version 1.2
- 2014-07-27 David Coutadeur david.coutadeur@gmail.com Changing the configuration file and the configuration data structure Version 1.1
- 2014-04-04 David Coutadeur david.coutadeur@gmail.com Version 1.0