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Laravel Translatable

Add translation to Laravel Models by adding a translation model and a translation database table.


Via composer

composer require davesweb/laravel-translatable


  • Add the Davesweb\LaravelTranslatable\Traits\HasTranslations trait to the model you want to translate.
  • Create a translation model which holds the translatable attributes, but instead of extending the Laravel Model class, extend the Davesweb\LaravelTranslatable\Models\TranslationModel class.
  • Create a migration to create the database table for your translation model. There are also commands available for generating these models and migrations for you.

As long as the names of the translation model and the foreign key column follow the naming conventions, the package will automatically find the correct models and set the correct relations.

The name of the translation model should be the same as the model that is being translated with the suffix Translation, for example App\Page and App\PageTranslation.

The name of the foreign key column should be the name of the model that is being translated in snake case, suffixed with the name of the primary key. For instance page_id. If your model names differ from te naming convention you can specify them yourself on the models. For the model to be translated, add a $translation property.


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Page extends Model
    protected string $translation = App\DifferentPageTranslationName::class;

For translation models you can set the translates property.


namespace App;

use Davesweb\LaravelTranslatable\Models\TranslationModel;

class PageTranslation extends TranslationModel
    protected string $translates = App\SomeOtherModel::class;


This package has a Docker setup for easy development. To use it, simply copy the docker-compose.yaml.dist file to docker-compose.yaml and adjust anything you'd want to adjust.

cp docker-compose.yaml.dist docker-compose.yaml

Then up the container:

docker-compose up -d

Now you can log in to the container:

docker-compose exec app bash


Because the translations are just a one-to-many relation of the model you can use them the same way as any other one-to-many relationship in Laravel. There are a few helper methods to make it easier to use the package, but the base is just a relation.

Fetching translations

You can get the collection of all translations from a model by calling getTranslations().


$page = App\Page::query()->findOrFail(1);

$translations = $page->getTranslations();

In order to optimize your database calls you should eager-load your translations:


$page = App\Page::query()->with('translations')->findOrFail(1);

$translations = $page->getTranslations();

Or load only the translation in the locale you want:


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

$locale = 'nl';

$page = App\Page::query()->whereHas('translations', function(Builder $query) use ($locale) {
    $query->where('locale', '=', $locale);

$translations = $page->getTranslations();

You can fetch a single translation by calling getTranslation('locale').

$page = App\Page::query()->with('translations')->findOrFail(1);

$englishTranslation = $page->getTranslation('en');
$dutchTranslation   = $page->getTranslation('nl');

To get the translation in the current locale the app is in you can call translation().



$page = App\Page::query()->with('translations')->findOrFail(1);

$englishTranslation = $page->translation();

To get the value of a translated attribute in the current locale the app is in you can call translate('attribute').



$page = App\Page::query()->with('translations')->findOrFail(1);

$englishTitle = $page->translate('title');

To get the value of a translated attribute in a different locale then the current app locale is in you can call translate('attribute', 'locale') with the desired locale.



$page = App\Page::query()->with('translations')->findOrFail(1);

$dutchTitle = $page->translate('title', 'nl');

Saving translations

Saving a translation is done just like any other Laravel Model. Set the attributes on the TranslationModel in your preferred way, then save it to the model by calling $page->translations()->save($pageTranslation);

Artisan commands

There are three command available for this package:

php artisan make:translatable {name}

This command creates a new Model class with the given {name} and the HasTranslations trait already set. This command has a few options as well:

  • -t or --translation: Adding this will also make a TranslationModel class for the model.
  • -m or --migration: Adding this will also make a migration for both the model and the TranslationModel
  • -a or -all: Use all available options.
php artisan make:translation {name}

This command creates a new TranslationModel class with the given {name}.

php artisan make:translatable-migration {name}

This command creates a new migration with both the model and translation model migrations for the given {name}. The {name} should be the classname of the model, for instance App\Page.


To run the testsuite, simply run

docker-compose exec app composer test

Code style

This package uses PHP CS Fixer to enforce code style. To run it, run

docker-compose exec app composer cs-fixer


This package is licensed under the MIT license, which basically means you can do whatever your want with this package. However, if you found this package useful, please consider buying me a beer or subscribing to premium email support over on Patreon, it's really appreciated!