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Running the Simulation

Dave Walker edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 1 revision

Running the Application

To run the simulation, open a terminal window, change to the folder containing the compiled output for the LangtonsAnt.Core.Runner project and run the following application:


Output similar to the following should be displayed:

Size          : 100
Started       : 05/02/2020 16:00:28
Completed     : 05/02/2020 16:00:28
Steps         : 11669
Run time      : 49 ms
Time Per Step : 0.004199 ms


The example application generates three CSV-format output files:

File Name Content
anttrack.csv The position and direction of the ant for each step in the simulation
antcolour.csv The position and colour changes of cells in the universe for each step in the simulation
antscatter.csv Data for an X/Y scatter plot giving the final state of each cell in the universe at the end of the simulation

Viewing the Scatter Plot

The scatter plot is designed to be viewed in any application capable of reading data from a CSV file and displaying a scatter chart. For example, loading the data into Excel and creating a scatter chart for columns A and B produces the following:

Langton's Ant

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