npm install
Installs the packages of the client and the server
Please see (build the client first, then start the server)
- Client:
- Server:
This project is build in the context of the CAS Frontend Engineering at the HSR in 2016/2017.
The client is a angular 4 app, which is build with angular-cli. The output of the "npm run build" command is the public folder in the server directory. Please read the client's readme for more details, see
The server is a node.js/express server which is written in typescript. How to setup the server is documented in its readme, see
We have done Enduser Tests with my wife, to find the UI problems.
Install Mardown support plugin in webstorm to the see a preview of this file (file -> settings -> plugins, search for 'Markdown support', click search in repository, install, restart webstorm)
- Database housekeeping is not yet implemented
- SSL Certificates for intranet site are not easy maintainable, because all devices must accept the self-signed certificate, so we don't use ssl in this app.
- Shrinkwrap does not work in the client, because of unmeet dependencies about angular 4.0