A Jquery plugin for path animation using the Raphaël Library.
For more on lazy-line-painter go to;
Author : Cam O'Connell
Preparing your web-friendly data & Configuring lazy-line-painter.js
Preparing your SVG data
Create your Line art in Illustrator;
~ Ensure their are no fills.
~ No closed paths. i.e - Line needs a start and end.
~ Crop Artboard nice & tight!
Export as .SVG (Default export options are fine)
Drop your .SVG into 'SVG to Lazy Line Convertor' on http://lazylinepainter.info/
Copy lazy line code and paste into your DOM ready function.
Configuring lazy-line-painter
A number of attributes can be setup before the line art is Painted,
these include;
To apply these options to your element before Painting,
pass lazylinepainter an object as an argument containing the attritubes you wish to alter;
'svgData' : svgData, // the object containing the SVG path info
Note : The only required is the svgData object (which contains your path info).
The svgData object should be structured like so for the plugin to be able to read;
var svgData = {
'demo' : // name of your lazy line
'strokepath' : // this contains all your SVG path info
{ 'path': "M144.869,199c0...." // path string ,
'duration':300 // time taken to animate that path
{ 'path': "M155.85,29c0...."
etc ...
'dimensions' : { 'width': 270, 'height':266 } // dimensions of element
Paint ! - Illustrate path
Erase ! - Clear path, Paint can still be called on the element after erased
Destroy ! - Remove path and element from DOM
Jquery http://jquery.com/
Raphaël http://raphaeljs.com/
Priit Pirita (http://bkp.ee/atirip)
SVGtoRaphaelparser.php script used in the SVG converter.